Reviews for Reasons For Running
Guest chapter 1 . 9/18/2017
This was so heartbreaking but it was really beautiful! I loved it, even though it made me want to cry.
DuchessMoonMoon13 chapter 1 . 11/7/2014
I like your version better
Diane chapter 1 . 9/17/2014
Hi there! I've been reading your stories for a while, but I'm always impressed by the steller quality of your writing! This new fix is just another wonderful addition and I really enjoyed reading it. It's a believable take on the ambiguous situation of how exactly Remus left Tonks and the interaction between her parents and Remus was a nice bonus! The pacing was great and you stayed pretty true to their characters in the book, while providing a nice further insight, such as Ted describing why Tonks will always love Remus because she choose him.

Thanks for the great read and take care :)