Reviews for Crooked Timber
Je Sono Aka chapter 14 . 6/25/2019
You. killed off Ivan. Wow. It was so emotional, and I kept on thinking about the potted plant. And when Antonio goes to the room with the blade, the emotions were so high tense and truth be told? From how you use other characters to describe Antonio as a writer, being so emotional, if he were an actual human being, he would be you. Its like the book he’s writing, it’s this.
Guest chapter 18 . 6/10/2019
Yes! Turn this into a novel! It was an amazing read.
Iridescent Moonflower chapter 18 . 4/5/2019
Holy Fuck. Just... wow. I just can't find the words. This story is so dangerously beautiful and moving. You are one absolutely AMAZING writer. I really do hope you write that novel; certainly can't wait to read it.
Guest chapter 12 . 12/29/2018
Aldous Huxley! I'm reading Brave New World for school and I have to say I'm finding so many similarities between our world and theirs. I finished it way before I was supposed to though so I'm having trouble not spoiling it. Seriously though, I've fallen in love with Huxley's writing.
Rabbit chapter 18 . 10/6/2018
This is very beautiful, I wish I could find books that were this addictive. I could relate with Antonio, his reactions to things mainly how he deals with his “problems”. I really loved how you describe so perfectly the feelings of the characters especially sadness and loneliness. This story has inspired me to look forward towards the future. I think reading this has helped me honestly, I might actually be able to open up more about my own personal experiences. Thank you ever so much, you have no idea how much this helps. Thank you!
edgy asshole chapter 15 . 8/15/2018
Lol what a loser. I was depressed when I was, like, 11, and I would use a paper clip or a knife to cut myself, like, 10 times. Actually, I’m the real loser. But whatever.
Guest chapter 18 . 7/7/2018
I love this story and I'd love to read it in a novel too!
I can tell you most of these things are through since my best frie
lexieconextreme chapter 18 . 4/18/2018
This is wonderful. It was so moving and real. I can't say I've had experience with the things that happened, and I hope I never do. But if you ever do end up turning this into a novel, let us know, yeah? I'd love to buy it and read it. Seriously. It was that good.
hikiisavage chapter 18 . 3/25/2018
Fuck. This was very well written and wow.
Guest chapter 18 . 10/7/2017
I would LOVE to see this as an actual novel! This story is absolutely amazing!
SkylarEQuinn chapter 18 . 5/16/2017
This story was truly incredible! A work of art! Bravo on your work! I related to Antonio so much! Thank you so much for writing this!
Obsessed Fanboy chapter 18 . 4/16/2017
This was beautiful, and true and... I write and I have no words. But thank you, danke
Lluvia Di'Noche chapter 18 . 2/21/2017
This touched me so much because I felt Antonio's misery. I could relate to him so much and this made me cry so many times because I felt what the characters felt. I nearly lost it when Ivan died because I understand the agony of losing a friend and seeing the only solution to be to slice your wrists and take the pain. It was lovely to read this and I thank you for writing it because as a writer who still struggles with depression, it's wonderful to know that somebody understands.

You have become my favorite Hetalia author because in your writing, I see you and I see so much more passion than I see in other works. The emotion is real and human, not sugary and false. I look into each word and I see a grand image of what you have struggled with and what you are like now. Now, I know I do not know you at all, but only a small piece of who you are and I applaud you for being able to inflict this much emotion.

In brief, I say thank you. This honestly allows me a little more space to breath and hope for the future.


Guest chapter 18 . 1/3/2017
This isn't eloquent at all, but, holy fuck.
Holy Fuck.
Guest chapter 18 . 8/26/2016
I really really love this story. It's absolutely beautiful. I know it might be too much to ask but could you make a sequel? Only if you want too though! Buy thank you for the absolutely beautiful story
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