Reviews for When Something Went Bump In The Night
Storm77 chapter 9 . 3/28
LOVE this story absolutely amazing idea
AshleyStewart09 chapter 9 . 8/14/2015
I really liked it. Thanks for writing this
Guest chapter 9 . 5/7/2015
I really enjoyed this one
ThreeMagpies chapter 9 . 9/21/2014
Hi - read this straight through :) so much melancholy in Bass... I think you illustrate some of the possible long term psychological effects of the blackout very well - I the way you explored the changes in him throughout season 2 and how Charlie responded to those - this was a very satisfying story to read (I am so glad you brought them together at the end and that Bass could see it was Charlie's choice to be with him ...). Sorry this is so long (can't sleep and mind rambling a bit.. ). Anyway was so glad I had your story on my phone :D thanks and looking forward to reading more of your work :)
ThreeMagpies chapter 2 . 9/19/2014
Love what you are doing here .. Incredible new dynamic between them, really like the way you have interwoven dialogue from the show into the new story - and Bass 'I feel everything..', :D
ThreeMagpies chapter 1 . 9/18/2014
How lovely to wake up to your story in my inbox! Read this chapter straight away and straight onto favourites! loved and intrigued by the direction you are taking us in - am away for weekend at music festival and have to get going but am so looking forward to next chapters ! :D
LemonSupreme chapter 9 . 9/18/2014
I already commented the hell out of this one over on AO3, but I'll add my 2cents worth here as well. I adore this story. It is wonderful and I will definitely be reading it again soon. :)