Reviews for Viral Maelstrom
CelebTil chapter 22 . 7/14
Found a mis-quote "Those who will not reason, are bigots. Those who cannot, are fools. Those who will not, are slaves..." -George Gordon Byron
Should be...
"Those who will not reason, are bigots. Those who cannot, are fools. Those who dare not, are slaves..." -George Gordon Byron
Just thought you should know.
Uwu chapter 13 . 5/19
Hweal nawuto chwan ywou say? Can you not be cliche ya dumbass cunt. No one likes the bullshit anyway. Seriously who the fuck do you think comes here and expects cliche shit like this? We come here to fanfiction to “avoid” that shit. But your just giving your readers the finger telling them you Don’t care, at all for them. So by default I say we all fuckin hate your guts with a passion. I’ll be sure to avoid any of your other stories if you can even call them that with what your going for.
Neoacoya1 chapter 29 . 5/7
P.O Box Die
And, Fuckyou, Eatshit

Female beating on male. Overplayed and not remotely amusing. Seriously, how is that funny? I don't mind female violence towards males for the sake of comedy, but at least have a freaking punchline. (Heh, punchline.)

Yes, I know the story is discontinued. I just really wanted to do that address thing.
raelarial1 chapter 37 . 12/4/2019
and you just lost me on Mikoto being dominant, bye little bitch ass faggot, only naruto gets to be dominant
Krystian Garlicki chapter 37 . 11/26/2019
PROTOTYPEx100 chapter 1 . 11/7/2019
Come back and finish this masterpiece.
Primarx chapter 38 . 10/21/2019
really enjoyed reading it. A pity it will never be finished
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 38 . 10/20/2019
Awwww how disappointing. I was hoping this would be a complete fic. Oh well it was still awesome
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 11 . 10/17/2019
Not bad for a first lemon. Yeah most people think that way about that kind of thing even when writing it but remember it’s clan stuff. Gotta keeps da bloodline pure an all that.
Guest chapter 37 . 9/15/2019
I don't get it, what's the big deal with electricity? Naruto can GENERATE it too, he did just a chapter or two ago, so he should be able to absorb it easy enough.

If this woman is such a good smith, from a long-line of apparently good smiths, then why in the world did they design and create such a STUPID looking and more or less USELESS blade like the kubikiribocho in the first place? Either they were HIGH on something, VERY, VERY drunk, had a SEVERE HEAD INJURY or were making a bad joke on how dumb ninja could be (that they'd try to use it). I agree with you, it looks more like an oar or a LADDER SLAT then a weapon. It looks like it would serve a lot more function as a REALLY BIG pancake flipper or maybe spatula.
Guest chapter 36 . 9/14/2019
"all work and no play"? Well that depends, on what's considered what. Considering even in canon, playing tricks, teasing and training ARE the "playing",, They even beat the crap out their "friends" and "spares" are the same as "jokes" or "handshakes"... Like I have said before, it is a "DEEPLY TROUBLED WORLD". Giving someone a black eye seems to correlate too giving a "high-five". and the sex stuff, you have him constantly "deeply regretting" because "he doesn't want to become a pervert", despite the fact that saiyuri is the ONLY "girl" he's created, otherwise he has only FULLY DEVELOPED WOMEN with him and he's got a fairly LARGE harem already, which HAS to be a harem, because he doesn't take ANY of them out to fight with him, OR to explore, OR ANYTHING ELSE, so it HAS to be a harem.

Oh I know your gonna say he's got saya with him too, but she doesn't count, she's not even REMOTELY human, plus he had no say in her coming with him or having the blacklight.

My main thing with the whole "covert" attack and blast the crap out of the village..etc.. Is that with all the girls, necromorphs, bio-clones, brawlers, hydras, brute, etc...He doesn't NEED the covert stuff... If he MOVED with all his people, he could LEVEL kiri in under a day!
Guest chapter 35 . 9/14/2019
Exactly "your angry, AGAIN", He does seem to keep swinging between, ANGRY and crying into his pillow, there doesn't seem to a whole lot of "MIDDLE GROUND". I'd be putting him on some REALLY STRONG medication... To "even him out"... As for the necromorphs attacking, well.. That's what he was GOING TO DO LAST CHAPTER, I mean other they scaring the hell out of mei (again), he really didn't DO anything and he was SUPPOSED to 1. scare mei, then 2. Destroy another base. I fail to see why he's UPSET when his pets just did EXACTLY what he told them to do before he left the cave.

For someone that's NEVER supposed to get tired, he certainly gets tired VERY easily and VERY, VERY quickly.

and YES, the civil war arc has been going on FOREVER, especially when you consider the rebels WON (off screen) without help! So it COULDN'T have been as bad as you stated. Either that, OR the rebels didn't need to "take a break" after every single conversation or every single battle. I DO agree, naruto should be making time for his girls, (since he never seems to want any of them in battle for some reason, especially since Anatasia, kushina, saya and now saiyuri should now be JUST as unstoppable as him!), but not after going to JUST have a threatening conversation with someone!
Guest chapter 34 . 9/14/2019
"I wouldn't have lasted a week"... Um that's just not possible, considering anastasia is MORE OR LESS unkillable, I mean a NUKE couldn't do it, the ninjas don't have ANYTHING that destructive... Didn't know the language or culture? One munched down idiot and she'd have known all that, while I get the sentiment, it just doesn't really apply to these "beings". They are just too "different" from humans.

"you realize how circumstantial this all is, right?".. Not really in the world of ninja... I mean the presence of the sharringan without a movable cover, means it WAS an uchiha, there is only ONE family of uchiha in the elemental nations. ADD that one eye was hidden means he LOST the other one, no uchiha's EGO would ALLOW them to hide one of their precious eyeballs, nor would their PRIDE allow them to think they NEEDED too! Add in that it's in the EXACT place that it would be on obitedo AND he's the ONLY uchiha that COULD be that strong that's UNACCOUNTED for, that wouldn't be missing... I don't see it as circumstantial AT ALL. It's kinda OBVIOUS actually. I figured it out in canon, the VERY FIRST time I heard of kakashi's story and saw the "masked man".
Guest chapter 33 . 9/14/2019
What is the sense of giving him chains if he already has tendrils? Aren't they MORE OR LESS the same thing. Just seems kinda redundant. chains/tendrils, to-may-to/to-mah-to. Just like that "dead bone pulse" kekki genkai, can't he basically do everything it can do and a lot more, ALREADY? (although the same could be really said for the byakuugan/hunter radar plus thermal vision and sharringan/slow time).

"You know how to consume?" You DO remember that she ate her own body, just MINUTES after he re-made her right? Not everything NEEDS to be "taught", it's just "known". (kinda like "starting moves" in a video game, the person just "knows" them on instinct, this is also how MOST superheroes know how to use their powers).
Guest chapter 30 . 9/13/2019
Isn't a little LATE for "the talk" with saya? I mean he ALREADY got her to orgasm once many chapters ago, Orochi had her reading Ichi-Ichi for a very long time AND she already knows about "sex" and had an interest, I'd say with all that, "the talk" is already OUT THE WINDOW. (all this was done quite a little while ago, while they were all still in wave).

"stop being a perv" why? Other then learning arcane and forbidden secrets that are ultimately extremely destructive and killing/slaughtering/dismembering people EN MASS there isn't a whole lot FOR HIM to do in the naruto-verse other then be a perv. There isn't really any art/culture/video games/many books(other then apparently porn)/tv/internet... Or inventing (other then weapons), Plus for HIM, clothes or food are pretty irrelevant ... So... If it's NOT destructive, then it's gotta be perverted, simply because there IS NOTHING ELSE FOR HIM TO DO!
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