Reviews for set fire to the rain
magensby chapter 1 . 6/17
Two agents, two different programs sounds like a reasonable idea. Nice read. Thnx.
Mistia chapter 1 . 8/18/2016
What are interesting setting, Nicky is an asset like Bourne.
lauramorgenstern chapter 1 . 8/9/2016
Great take on Nicky and her background!
ealpha-scorpio chapter 1 . 7/22/2016
Short and nicely written. I like how you made a hint to their shared past in every corner but did not quite do so! Hehe... like your writing style and how the story was concluded. Hope to read more from you after the premier of "Jason Bourn" this July. Will live a lot to imaginecheers!
EruditeMeTonight chapter 1 . 1/13/2016
Perfect rhythm and the "flashback" moments were brilliantly set up to understand the scene. Amazing, thanks for sharing!
Stevera chapter 1 . 12/28/2015
its... perfect. I haven't read a more accurate predictions of a character thats not yours...of how they'd react in a given situation. The way she thinks...her beliefs stemmed from experience are crystal clear...every word has a meaning...a revelation on nature of the character. you narrate a long story but only little amount of words are used...clarity of ideas shines from in between the lines. I loved the way you portrayed Nickey's part that's hazy enough in the original novel and the movie. She's more strong like him but struggling through her own set of obstacles be it the situation both are facing or her own complicated past. Thank you for writing something like this, u made my day... Pleas if possible continue, will be waiting for your updates.
I am no expert myself in this field but am madly in love with novels and jason bourne is been on my hit list since ages...I try to write too, its not that accurate but i am learning,i am an amateur writer. Would love to hear from you-
Skendo chapter 1 . 12/20/2015
Whoa, this was beautiful. Thank you for sharing :) I didn't even consider the Bourne series for a fanfiction source, but after watching one on Telly earlier today, I suddenly had the inspiration to read one. I wasn't disappointed! Great job :)
chiroho chapter 1 . 10/25/2015
Fancy meeting you here. :-)

Very interesting take on Nicky as a character. It always seemed to me, when watching the first three movies, that there had to be something more involved with Nicky. She seemed very administrative in the first movie, but that whole line about "coordinating logistical operations and coordinating the health of the agents" always seemed a bit weird given Bourne's reaction to her. And then in the third movie she seemed to be a lot more experienced with CIA systems than the line in the second movie covered. So having her as a female version of the males which Treadstone produced is a very interesting concept. I'll be very interested to see what they do with Nicky in the planned fourth, with Matt Damon, movie now.

Thanks for writing. As always, definitely enjoyed the read and the concept.
Kneoria chapter 1 . 10/19/2015
This is awesome. This series needs more badass ladies. Thank you for providing one
ChiBi BluEStaR chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
That was a different take on Nicky's back story n I love it
Alana chapter 1 . 11/15/2014
This was sooooooo good!
GeorgieGirl75 chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
I can't thank you enough for this. There is just not enough Bourne stories out there and I am fascinated by this pairing. I loved everything about it other then that it is finished. It's so well written and you kept them in character. Believe me when I tell you, finding this story made my day! I have my fingers crossed in hopes that there will be of more Jason/Nicky stories in one form or another.