Reviews for Stand Against the Moon
gginsc chapter 1 . 7/12
Why didn't Harry confine himself to be sure he was not a werewolf? That was stupid and cost Kreacher his life! Did the idiot really think the people would not betray him? Did he learn nothing in the seven years at Hogwarts?
Inmsodiac chapter 13 . 7/7
Read you're awesome story for the third time. Still absolutely love it. Though it seemed a little too easy at the end, because there was so little info about the losses in the fights.
Maria Elena chapter 13 . 6/3
Muy pocos capítulos pero gustó.

A pesar de que llore en la muerte de Tom ...

Harry muy diferente y me gustó que no salió Ron ni Hermione .. excelente
3 junio 2020

bookworm2192 chapter 13 . 4/25
I really enjoyed reading this story. It seemed like every second paragraph made me chuckle. I think this is one of the more unique ideas out in the fan fiction world, too.
Bluewolf80 chapter 13 . 3/22
Meh. Hard to read. Good premise, bad execution.
thecatleader chapter 13 . 2/21
Tom's death always makes me cry even thinking about it in this story.
EvilDime chapter 7 . 2/4
*lol* That A/N potentially wasn't even meant to be funny, but the idea that any questions would be answered by death still made me laugh. Sounds like an atmosphere conducive to inquistiveness. :P

Your earlier fanfics were among the first I ever read and I treasure them to this day. And reading this one for the first time now, I find that I still enjoy your style of writing a whole lot. Sharp and biting at times, and so ridiculously much fun at others. Great stuff!
MD3097 chapter 3 . 12/17/2019
can anyone recommend me fics where harry ACTUALLY makes the dursleys suffer and kills them and not just say that he will make them suffer that never actually happen...seriously they broke a childs bones !... this is soooooo unsatisfying
Birnan Midniht chapter 13 . 10/28/2019
I dont know how to feel about Death pretending to be Tom, no matter how fond of Harry the entity oroginally seemed. And Harry seems to think it really is Tom, which is another big part of the 'i dont know how to feel'.

Regardless, interesting story.
Nelui Wysteria chapter 13 . 8/18/2019
I'm not ashamed to say I cried when Riddle died, not because I particularly thought he should live, rather it was because once again I felt that Harry kept nothing for himself. That was until I bitter sweetly realized that he did keep something for himself, he kept his love for his people and his unwavering desire to see them free. I had to pause and question what choice I would make in that position. I suppose it was in character for him as someone driven by fear of failure to feel trapped by such a choice but overall I think there were other ways things could have played out. I had guessed at your eventual intention to meld Death and T.R. together and was appeased by the fact that love surpassed both life and death, but then I scolded myself for hopelessly romantic ideals.

I have been looking for a well written anti magical human (or as I have labeled it "anti mundanefic for awhile now to motivate and inspire my own. Thank you for being my Muse.
Ian Alexander chapter 9 . 8/15/2019
I honestly can't count the number of times I have read this fic, but it's up there, and no matter how many times I have, this chapter never fails to make me tear up.
Luminous Kushina chapter 13 . 8/1/2019
This is such a well written story. It's so different from anything I've ever read with an original plot. I love how you depict death and Harry's relationship with all the characters.
YaoiLover220 chapter 9 . 7/5/2019
His speech honestly made me cry, not going to lie.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/26/2019
Thank you for your time to write this. I've been reading fanfics since 2007, this is the second time i was so impressed, that i had to leave a note.

Sorry i can't really tell you how deeply I appreciate your work, but know, that you have done a great job.

May you have an amazing night
lkdaswani chapter 13 . 2/18/2019
I. Cried.
When Riddel killed himself was the single most painful chapter to read.
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