Reviews for Unseen Deductions
ChaoticInscriber chapter 4 . 3/17
There have been dozens of different live-action series and movies, and subsequently dozens of actors and directors with their own interpretations, depicting the infamous Sherlock Holmes and those around him. The things that don't quite fit one version do quite fit others, so it doesn't bother me at all. So far, it's all quite excellent. In fact, a lot of the things that didn't quite fit with the newest, most currently-famous BBC Sherlock Series all fit quite well with the original stories, so I was rather delighted to see such connections.
(For example, as far as I recall the BBC Sherlock smokes cigarettes, not a pipe, generally, but the original stories and art depicted a proper classic pipe, and both reference an otherwise unparalleled personal encyclopedic knowledge of dozens if not hundreds of varieties of tobacco ash. I also simply like pipe-smoke better if I have to be around one or the other, so I am additionally a little biased.)
jmw03u chapter 22 . 3/8
This is an interesting story. It is strange seeing Harry so detached, but I guess he is more like Sherlock that way. Thank you for writing this.
Tony McNucklz chapter 6 . 3/3
"Namelessness" isn't the sort of syntax an overly sheltered child would use. his 'sight', the 'power', or some other shorter name would be used instead. socialised children don't use such complicated words and concepts. they simplify, produce slang and other forms of shorthand to make large concepts and words more manageable. this behavior often extends into adult life to varying degrees.
I'd say the biggest problem so far is that while the Sherlock characters overall properties are at least accurate, their social and personal behaviors and speech patterns are often far from their actors portrayals. The surest example being that your Mycroft didn't feel at all like the show Mycroft.
I would recommend you take an afternoon or 2 to rewatch Sherlock. On top of being a pleasant way to spend an afternoon it ought to give you a better handle on their behavior and speech patterns, and then you can reread and edit your work to bring it up to snuff. I'd say that the plot itself won't need to be changed, merely some of the diologue and mannerisms could use some tweaking adjustments.
Guest chapter 18 . 2/23
This story is so good.. I stayed up almost all night reading it but had to crawl off to bed eventually. I love HP/sherlock stories and this is one of the best, so full of original ideas. Thank you so much for sharing your work.
Moleluv chapter 12 . 1/1
Haha Dumbledore the pet human lol
Guest chapter 22 . 12/29/2019
While I do really enjoy your writing, there is a common theme within it that is a problem for me personally. Because you write in so much detail, while at first I’m enraptured, after a while I get quite bored and I’m not so into the story. I’ve experienced this with your other story Twice Blessed Shinobi as well. This means that while I’m in the middle of one of your stories I tend to drift off and I can’t keep reading! This happened around this chapter in this story so I just forced myself to finish it anyways, but I think that’s something for you to take into account when you’re writing. The quality is impeccable, but you need to keep us, the audience, holding our breath to keep reading. I’m not sure if anyone else has had a similar experience, but that’s mine. To end this I should tell you that you are a really great writing, and we’re all blessed that you were confident enough to post stories on this website! Good luck with whatever you’re writing right now! :)
Guest chapter 18 . 12/29/2019
To be honest I don’t think even snape would really care if he’s Mr Snape or Professor, although obviously his irrational hatred of Hagley will be present in the story!
Guest chapter 7 . 12/28/2019
Awwwww. I wish Sherlock would get away with renaming Harry, as long as it’s not something stupid like Harkin, a favourite of Longbottom fanfictions I think! I’d suggest Hadrian, my favourite, but everyone does that, don’t they! Hmmm other names? Harrison, Harris, Henry, Harold, Harvey. There are also some from other languages I found on Wikipedia! Haris (Greek), Charis (Greek), Harilaos (Greek), Charilaos (Greek), Häräy, Gäräy (Tatar), Hari (Hindi), Harri (Finnish/Afrikaans), Theoharry, Theoharis (Greek), Theocharis (Greek).
I don’t recommend any of the ones with ‘ch’, as they just don’t sound right, do they? I have no idea where the ‘theo’ ones came from, but that’s Wikipedia for ya!

Your writing is exquisite, and the only mistake I really picked up on was that you tend to replace ‘lest’ with ‘least’. Other than that, it’s an extremely high quality of writing, similar to the rest of your works, and I’m rarely disappointed by your work! Good luck with this, or whatever your working on!
Lila Dunmare chapter 22 . 10/20/2019
Great fanfiction !
Guest chapter 22 . 10/12/2019
Love this, hope you continue some day
wujuninja chapter 2 . 10/6/2019
why did you make Harry blind?¿
ScarletRainbow1 chapter 21 . 10/2/2019
I just finished reading this story and I love this story so very much, but your last update was July 2016. Please, come back and help Harry finish his story with Sherlock and John.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/6/2019
I would like to point out that the name of the german newspaper makes no sense. A correct and literal translation of "Mystic Times" would be "Mystische Zeitung", but something like "Mystischer Bote" or "Mystischer Kurier" has a better ring to it.
"Mystic" is no german word, the closest to that beeing "Mystik", which actualy translates to mysticism.
KitsuneTails25 chapter 3 . 6/10/2019
Only an idiot would flame you over Harry'a breakdown. Unlike in another story I read recently, where the child character was suddenly reduced as a whimpering ball in the corner after a few harsh words (with a door between the child and the adult), when before that he displayed strength and independence for so long (ugh, it was even in a "tell instead of show" form and it felt like I just read a really really long list instead of a story), your Harry's reaction is understandable. He was under the Dursley's all his life, and then he had an experience that traumatized him. Said experience happened while listening to a certain music, so of course when he hears the music so soon he has a breakdown
RebelRatchet chapter 22 . 6/6/2019
no more updates? SAAAAAAD! TT
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