Reviews for Prelude
redstarsarc chapter 1 . 11/13/2017
This is an intriguing story! I love the idea of the two of them meeting repeatedly in nonlinear time and I'm curious how each will react to the other's character development over the years. Looking forward to checking out the rest of this series.
TiaKisu chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
Aw, little Loki. I must say, it's always peculiar to think of Gods and imagine what they were like as children. But Norse mythology made it a point to have their Gods show human traits so it actually seems fitting that Loki would seem much like any young boy (well, prince) there. Especially since both 'verses state that his kind are in fact quite essentially "just" aliens.

Right now I wonder whether those coordinates are the ones that the Doctor then had in his pocket when he saved Loki from the Void. I have a feeling they are the ones only I can't make the connection yet, which is probably due to me reading these stories out of order.

At any rate, I do like how you captured the characters - even when Clara was a rather strange mood there. In S7 she always seemed to calm, collected and above it all but to be honest that's also why I didn't like her too much then. Season Eight made her be much more human, she grew on me there so I actually like it that in this little story she's a bit grouchy.
helenxxx chapter 1 . 3/27/2015
Good idea
The Mome Raths Outgrabe chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
Awesome so far I love the idea of Loki and the Doctor meeting each other in a different order.
Windmills of your mind chapter 1 . 10/6/2014
Interesting start. I like that you managed to slip in a reference to Loki's eyebrow!
Looking forward to reading more.
PeterHaleIsForeverTheAlpha chapter 1 . 10/5/2014
Oh, I can't wait to see Loki meet the 'other' Doctor's. This will be good.
Fire Cronicle chapter 1 . 10/5/2014
This was really good, and dont worry, it kinda makes sence that Clara was like that, you know cause she was right were a prince was yet she couldnt do much. anyway please update soon!
NorthernMage chapter 1 . 10/5/2014
Well, she seemed frustrated with him at the time...

So, mostly Classic Doctors then. Hm, those coordinates are going to be interesting, as well as Loki and One meeting...can't wait for that meeting!