Reviews for Dead Memories
Guest chapter 62 . 1/21/2019
This has been my hands down all time favorite fan fiction read.
Alise chapter 51 . 7/17/2018
I had to go back and read the last few chapters after this! You did so many little things perfect to hint just enough at the truth. Well done! I’m just wishing I had caught on sooner
Silvanesti chapter 62 . 6/14/2018
I have enjoyed this story very much and I'm looking forward to reading the next part. I'm surprised that, compared to Bend Around the Wind, it has so few reviews and favourites.

The story progressed nicely, not going too fast and never getting boring. I'm once again impressed by your knowledge of the Marvel universe. The story kept its mystery for a very long time, keeping us in the dark about Loki's trustworthiness.
Guest chapter 42 . 6/2/2018
Jord? That's our word for earth. The Swedish word I mean. Oh, this story is so fascinating.
Silvanesti chapter 9 . 5/27/2018
This is getting really interesting! So curious about so many things right now, I'm definitely hooked.
Silvanesti chapter 1 . 5/26/2018
I'm confused, when does this story take place? Ultron is mentioned as well as Vision, but both Maximoffs are alive? And Tony is wallowing is this after Civil War?
Alise chapter 22 . 12/4/2017
I’m jumping onto the train with this fic a bit late, but I’m glad to have seen that you do have the second part started, so hopefully I’ll be able to catch up in time to leave individual chapter reviews. Your knowledge of the Marvel Universe amazes me. I actually went ahead and looked up Leah and Sara after you mentioned them. I’m proud to say that my limited knowledge of certain X-men meant that I actually recognized some names from the list of poential enemies. I’m even happier to have my guess about some influence from Limbo (Otherplace) confirmed with Belasco’s mention. All in all, I’m really enjoying this story so far. Thank you for writing it. The way you interweave different Marvel threads has been interesting to witness.
mmelody6 chapter 62 . 3/11/2017
karina001 chapter 62 . 2/13/2017
Now that its complete, time for a full re read of this very absorbing and enjoyable fic. Really hoping for that sequel, no matter how long it might 'not' be... but I admit I love 'em long. Thanks for a most entertaining read.
melysen chapter 61 . 1/16/2017
Hey ! Happy New Year too (even if it's maybe a little late)
I'm totally for this sequel/epilogue story, shorter or not shorter. I love what you're writing (I readed this fiction and Bend around the wind, which is one of the best fictions I've readed on . I love the way you develop caracters and storie in a so broad way. And very impressive for someone who isn't really deep informed in the Marvel univers like me).
Even if it was obvious the first vision was from the past, with the alive Leah, it makes me realise that we know really few about how all of this started. Ok, maybe not few, but ... Leah is such a mysterious character ... And so is the relationship between Balder and Loki (I have the feeling I'm missing something, but I'm not sure if it comes from a chapter that I don't remember enough)
The child is mysterious, too. I asked me if it couldn't be a vision of Loki's birth, but it seems more as a metaphore, doesn't it ? Or may it meen that Loki could die one more to rebirth another way ?
So, I'm really impatient for the next chapter and for the sequel/epilogue storie, if you decide to write it !
Thanks and have a good day !
mmelody6 chapter 61 . 1/5/2017
Guest chapter 61 . 1/3/2017
The final chapter is soon?! Oh, no! A sequel to ease our loss? Yes, yes, yes please!
mmelody6 chapter 60 . 12/11/2016
Miki Mae chapter 59 . 11/23/2016
Beautiful :')
I'm waiting for Loki's return though. However long it may take...
mmelody6 chapter 59 . 11/14/2016
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