Reviews for Harry Potter and the Marauder's Legacy!
Kenn.Faith.Dawn chapter 3 . 9/10/2018
awesome story so far please update soon.
lojosmom chapter 3 . 8/23/2017
I know that it has been a year since you updated your story, but I hope you will do so soon. The first three chapters are excellent and I would love to see more of this story.
DropTheBasil chapter 3 . 6/22/2017
This is really good! I enjoyed reading it so far :)
I love Harry and Sirius and everything you've done to the story! Great job!
azphxbrd chapter 3 . 3/28/2017
I have just came across your story,and Ilike it. I know living in the real world is time consuminng,I would be to read your next chapter in the future.
Dzerx chapter 3 . 11/26/2016
Hoping that Sirius's kid is with Harry, It'd certainly be something both Sirius and James would wish for.
david.teague.3950 chapter 3 . 9/26/2016
While I'm not a college goer, I have to say, it is important. However, nor am I a church person, and say drop the volunteer stuff at the church, however while I am entitled to my own beliefs and opinions, it is actually rude to try and force them onto other people. So all I can truly say is good luck in getting spare time to write, or type as the case may be.
mashes chapter 1 . 9/17/2016
im sorry, i stopped reading before i finished the first chapter.
im not sure why you used paragraphs when most were separated incorrectly. if the subject matter doesnt change, you do not need another paragraph and, multiple subjects arent supposed to be in one paragraph
lou2003us chapter 3 . 8/30/2016
I really want to see what happens next!

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Keep up the great work!
CoolFanfictionLover chapter 3 . 8/30/2016
haha i like it
little lyda was awesome
loved it
please do continue
bye sumi
Guest chapter 3 . 8/29/2016
Please don't have Lily is alive and with Snape, it is one of the worst pairings in fanfic. He didn't care if James or Harry died only that Lily lived then he takes out his frustration on a 11 year old kid. What loving mother or loving wife as she is portrayed have anything to do with him after that. I know people will say she wouldn't know but come on how can that be a good pairing. Anyway I look forward to the next chapter
Evilbigfoot chapter 3 . 8/29/2016
Glad that you are back. Only one proposition. In cnon Hesti Jones was in Order and her ge was right about Sirious age. But in Hufflepuff in Harrys year there was Megan Jones.
PS English is my third language, so i aam sorry for bad language.
Karou WindStalker chapter 2 . 2/27/2016
I do hope you return to this story.
lou2003us chapter 2 . 2/22/2015
I really want to see what happens next!

Looking forward to next chapter!

Keep up the great work.
Kalladin1989 chapter 2 . 2/17/2015
Good story. Hope you can update it soon
WyrdeDragon chapter 2 . 12/30/2014
So far, so good. Seems like an interesting idea and the plot and flow are good. It does seem a bit rushed, some scenes are narrated rather than shown. Also the dialogue is sometimes rushed or lost among the description or exposition.

Another point, Tonks was only supposed to be 7 years older than Harry. So if this is 5 years after Voldemort was destroyed, Tonks should be 13, not 17.

Anyway, I do like the story and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. Hope your computer problems don't interfere too much.
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