Reviews for The End of the Affair
Poldoca7 chapter 8 . 7/11
This is a rather bitter yet plausible story of what would have been had Hachiman not sought the genuine thing. I felt horrible reading it from beginning to end. I'm so glad things didn't turn out that way.
Props to the author for making me feel dejected and relieved at the same time.
Gilgamesh King of Mongrels chapter 8 . 7/11
Well based on all the brilliant reviews that this one had, I honestly expected it to be mind blowing. What I got was a drawl. Even the ending was anticlimactic.
SomeAntonim chapter 8 . 5/31
You did a great job, this was very melancholic experience, but it was great. Thank you.
Youneedtogoback chapter 1 . 4/29
Conjecture: the harder-hitting punches benefited from subverting expectations to carry most of their weight at a comical extreme. Not a bad thing by any means, but worrisome in that the nicest thing to happen to him is not dying after another vehicle collision. It helps to think that the unusual cruelty and emotional vagueries are from a distinct lack of celebrating the core ideals, or in other words, teenagers suck, and adult teenagers suck even more. One could hope the refusal to change wasn't so harsh as to completely ruin any interacting with other human beings forever, but it is what it is.

The only real complaint from this is that Yukino and 8man's held too few interactions, but that may as well be intentional. Weaponized insincerity or something. The author certainly stuck to their guns.
Youneedtogoback chapter 8 . 4/28
By far the most agonizingly painful thing I have ever read, but nevertheless, preferable to a happy lie.

Tumbling down.

Tumbling down.

Me chapter 8 . 4/25
for some reason i feel like this fic needs a classic 8-man monologue even though it wouldn’t make sense seen as his teenage philosophy crumbled
Guest chapter 8 . 3/16 painfully realistic. Though it was painful, I enjoyed reading this
Raj8 chapter 8 . 1/31
I really did enjoy reading this story, it was a great bittersweet romance that I really enjoyed.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/22
Just too depressing and sordid all around.
Guest chapter 8 . 1/22
Too much of a downer for my taste, and it feels too unresolved.
Anticlimactic endings aren't fun.
Derivative chapter 8 . 1/17
Read this due to it being recommended as "the best Oregairu fanfiction". This was not the ending I wanted, but it was compelling nonetheless. It's a bit depressing but definitely a good read. I also really appreciate your work on the light novels.
Miguez Salazar chapter 8 . 1/15
Today I finished reading An Anthology of a Certain Selfish Airhead's Adventures and Unexpectedly, Fox Suddenly Arrives and Ruins his Peace, and then reading this story that is opposite, it is the best written story and you created an interesting crack, I think that many of us hurt that yui and yukino were with other people and hachiman followed the route that many people think is the best, that of the lone wolf, you wrote a story inspired by the opening and you did it amazing.
This story can easily be connected to the lone wolf path of the visual novel oregairu zoku, where old hachiman talks to the komachi granddaughter.
I am intrigued as the story would have been if iroha had been present, but this story was created in 2014 and today is 2020 oregairu ended.
Guest chapter 8 . 12/27/2019
This was great. It was really emotionally moving...

I loved the ending. It was perfect.
Killusion chapter 6 . 11/16/2019
Can't believe this ended four years ago, and that this is basically almost canon. Good fortune to you sir for the story that'll stick with me forever.
bmurd3rf4c3 chapter 8 . 10/16/2019
Simplemente maravilloso, tienes mis felicitaciones.
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