Reviews for In The Shadows Of The Mind
LoneTraveler chapter 39 . 3/22/2016
Oh boy, I gave a review that was long, and I hit the 'Post Review' button by accident too quickly. I wanted to end on a positive note.

Thank you so much for posting this story! I know it was a lot of hard work! It's been several years since you've posted last and you've probably moved on, but I hope you get to read this!

Thank you for such a wonderful story of love, healing, and courage!
LoneTraveler chapter 40 . 3/22/2016
This has got to be one of the best Snape & a Muggle stories I've ever read! I'm not just saying that. This is the only author I've ever read that gave Snape a serious relationship in his past that was a-not Lily and b-with a wife, a loving wife. Doing so gave him the capacity and the experience to be in a deep relationship with a woman that I haven't seen another writer do. It's the most believable and healthy written relationship of his I've ever read.

Maybe cause all the several fics I've read have been where a woman fell for (to steal an idea from 'Harry Potter and the Plot Bunny of Death') Snarky!Snape and Can't Forget His Past!Snape. And of course she is always VERY attractive. I mean c'mon I already have my own head cannon so I can come closer to believing these women would give him some. He's:
'Looks Like He Could Pass as Alan Rickmans Healthy Skin Well Groomed Younger Brother!Snape' amoung others. (I loved Mr Rickman in the movies, but when I read, Snape tends to look a bit different but he always has Mr Rickman's magnificent voice. R.I.P.)

Another original idea was that the Muggle was already familiar with the wizarding world! I mean wow! I imagine that would be a huge time saver in addition to defining a unique character. I mean, wow!

I simply loved this story.

There's one major thing I need to point out that's an important misuse of terms. Voldemort and Lucious were referred to by using a couple of phrases: 'his psychosis' and 'psychotic fanatic'. This is a factually incorrect and unfortunately common useage of these words. Someone having psychosis or is a psychotic suffers detachment from the real world, and has delusions and hallucinations. That doesn't mean they're immoral or criminal. This clearly doesn't fit V & L. They didn't have delusions or hallucinations of power. They had real financial, political, and magical power in the wizarding word. On the other hand, psycopaths and sociopaths lack empathy and morality. They tend to be dangerous to society. Sound familiar, more like Voldemort and Lucious who did too many evil things to count? I don't mean to belittle the author, it's a common misconception. I felt it important to point out because a-the OC is in the biz, she should know better and b-incorrect use of these terms is stigmatizing to the vast majority of people suffering from psychosis, the bulk of which are NOT criminal.
Pele chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
If this is a severous o c fic then why does in sAy Harry in the thing above the summary?
Udumuhv chapter 40 . 5/4/2012
It's the most unusual portrayal of Snape I've read, love the warmness. Also, Severus is so talkative and open here (quite opposite to his usual self). Interesting twist with Cecilia, you really put effort describing his past.

Sevie and snowball fight just made my dayxD

It's sad though, that there's no chapter 17. As your story is already rated M, the intimacy wouldn't go against this site's policy:)

Definitely very unique ending and solution for Voldemort, good work!
WritersLove chapter 40 . 4/30/2010
This story was absolutely wonderful! My favourite Snape/OC story I've read yet! Kudos :D
Lostdawn17 chapter 16 . 1/10/2010
I can not find chapter 17 anywhere and I really want to read it so could someone please help me.
22cuppy22 chapter 16 . 7/25/2009
Ok, I realize that I seem REALLY slow... but I cannot figure out how to get to Ch. 17 so if anybody could help me, Id love u forever :D or not, w/e u go by lol

Overall this is a magnificant story. I simply LOVE it :D
Jana Gawlas chapter 40 . 9/2/2007
Hello there,

Normally I'm more the silent reader, but still I decided to leave a review. why? Because your story got under my skin. It is the firststory with an original character I really liked.

I love the way you describe Harry and the way you can catch the feelings and thoughts of the single protagonists in the Harry-Potter-universe. You make them seem belivable and that is one thing not many authors can do.

I especially liked the end. I somehow feared a clichéd ending, but still you managed to surprise me. Lord Voldemort becomes a Muggle. Just Great.

You made me laugh, cry, bite my fingernails and stop breathing.

And I wanted to thank you for that!



PS: Sorry for any mistakes. but english is not my mothertongue :)
DraginLover chapter 40 . 8/11/2004
i loved this story. it was very well written and kept me reading late into the night... even though i had to get up at 5:30 to get ready for work... and i went to bed just a seemingly 2 and a half hours before! great great.

i read your Fellytone slippers story first and absolutly LOVED it! i love your all your stories... esp. this one and Fellytones hope you keep writing more so i can be entertained for a longer time! n thanx for sharing some of your life and emotions through this story *hug*...

bluemeanie chapter 40 . 6/19/2004
I don't know what to say. You've done a brilliant job. You've written your characters with such charm and warmth. And they ARE your characters now. Every step of the way you have improved as a writer. I am seriously looking forward to your future endeavors.

adios, chica
bluemeanie chapter 39 . 6/19/2004
oh, ooh, you're tricky, that's what you are! I totally didn't know until Draco started weeping - I didn't think that was very Snape like. I though Harry/Sophie was just bluffing with the wand, though I did think it was a bit odd.

wow, Draco and Snape are just like peas and carrots aren't they? the same words could come out of they're mouths and be totally believable.

I like the idea of Draco and Harry working together, they don't do so bad. _~

very exciting chapter. Snape's gonna burn something down, i can tell.
bluemeanie chapter 38 . 6/19/2004
fan service is great, isn't it? unecessary, but fluffy fun none-the-less.

ugh, stupid noble Snape. He would find a way to martyr himself before the end of the story, wouldn't he? I have the sneaking suspicion that there are loopholes in this plan though... do I feel a Harry escapade coming on?

did Snape just do a little pregnacy charm on good old Sophie? because the wording of that incantation was quite... umm... fertile. I'm sure Draco would love to share that house with Sophie AND a baby. But then again, it might be theraputic to change diapers. actually the more I think about it, the more adorable the idea gets - Uncle Draco. ah.

onward to the climax!
bluemeanie chapter 37 . 6/18/2004
ah. beautiful. heart-breaking.

gotta go cry now. *sniff*
bluemeanie chapter 36 . 6/18/2004
ooh, what's Ron planning about Draco? Not something to naughty... i hope.

my my, Harry does have an ego, doesn't he? seems like he's planning something naughty as well. quite the other kind of naughty - the kind where hero types don't communicate and get everyone in trouble.

i really liked this chapter. really. i liked it because I could visualize, I could hear it. Ron twitched, Snape's eyes burned, Dumbledore's eyes didn't twinkle. these are all details that make the story so much more textured and complex than straight dialogue. people's voices had intonation! I love when I can hear them in my head.

though Harry's dialogue was a bit stilted i think. does that boy ever breathe?

perfectly lovely, dear.
bluemeanie chapter 34 . 6/17/2004
hm, handy that this Ellie person is so knowledgeable and forthcoming... add in the lovely foreshadowing from the previous chapter and you have a big fat stinky trap that Sophie is just marching her little self into.

on another note, you know you're reading a fanfic when you come across an embedded piece of poetry or even better, song lyrics. Cheesy love song lyrics. But nothing's worse than the poorly translated lyrics of some anime theme song - especially in a non-anime fan fic. ha, i love this media. _~

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