Reviews for The Hand
RedXBlue chapter 2 . 7/14/2018
Sweet ok mine going to be a bad guy alien salamander you don’t see him much after you see the other salamanders.

Character name: Felikes
Character age: 40
Character gender: male
Character appearance: Felikes is a broad muscles, salamander-like alien. Felikes is the color black , and has white, pearly spots on him. Felikes has 5 long fingers and toes. Felikes also has a long tail as also wears a dark brown spacesuit and has a scar a crossed his right eye because Mona attack him.
Characters personality traits: he sometimes speaks Spanish when he around girls he calls them chica also , he also flirty , he can’t cook , he also smooth but he short tempered. He cocky but knows when he defeated. He also hates the kraang and the other salamanders because he assassin and he tried to kill the commander but Mona Lisa stopped him. He sharp and won’t hesitate to kill you. He train 24 hours a day. He does find Nicole attractive and flirts with Her only to get shot down.

How they would interact with:

Mutant: fight first ask questions later
Human: he treateds them like slaves
Arinna: he finds her interesting but annoying
Nicole:he finds her attractive, and flirts with her

Some backstory: he was going to assassin captain to get paid but Mona Lisa stop him ,he on the run because Mona Lisa would kill him on sight.

Anything else you want to tell me about them: he has different space weapons mostly guns.

How if you have an idea do you want me to bring them into the story or I can just make something up either way works: could you do one please

Has your character ever thought of being an assassin: he is one

Who would they get along better with arinna or Nicole: well he a bad guy so neither but if I had to choose I would say Nicole because he likes her.
RedXBlue chapter 15 . 7/13/2018
Hugs all the cuties
LoveXx chapter 1 . 7/13/2018
Hi I’m just doing this because I love your stories and I just want to add more stuff to my character

Character name: Dawn Spirit
Character age: 2-3 years old (at the beginning as April childhood friend) , 15-16(when she sees Cana again)
Character gender: female

Character appearance: she 5’ 2 tall and Dawn is a young teenager girl , Dawn has bluebell eyes and medium length dark blue hair that’s let down when she at home but when she doing training, experiment or training she has her hair in two ponytails she also has medium long fringe,she also has a light skin she also slim.

2-3 years old outfit: She wears a black shirt with a swan-necked collar and dark red lined collar and side pockets, a black lace short sleeves She also wears dark black pants with high top sneakers with white soles , her hair is into a loose ponytail .

16 years old outfit :She wears a dark black blazer with rolled up sleeves. The inside of the blazer is a light grey , and it has black trimming. Underneath, Down wears a white t-shirt with black stitching and a dark blue rolled up short shoes a short boots flat at the bottom tho. Her hair is mostly down but sometimes put into two ponytails.

Farm outfit: her hair got longer to her waist to put it in a braided ponytail style, she wears a light green jumper that show her shoulders blazes she also wears blue trousers shorts with brown cowboy boots.

Character personality/traits: she good at using a DJ and building stuff , She is rather energetic, passionate, and funny, yet down to earth and smart. She is extremely loyal, supportive, helpful, and sometimes pushy, such as when she goes out of her way to encourage and (sometimes literally) push Cana into spending time with Mikey. But she still feels guilty when she left Cana at the alleyway, in fact when she sees Cana again for the first time when she left her she cried loudly and kept repeating her self like a broken record saying sorry. She loves to build stuff and has a lot of ideas for new invention also she alright at cooking that’s why she asked Nicole can she work for her in Nicole bakery shop. She sometimes (mostly) double her self saying she a screw up only for someone to tell her she not a screw up(Cana , Nicole , arinna etc ) , she can get mad easily when she remembers her past she sometimes she gets mad at Cana because Cana forgives her so easily. In her childhood she was jealous of April because she had everything but she didn’t say anything, She likes to sing mostly lullabies to little ones or to calm some one down. She can be clumsy. She used to have a crush on Casey Jones because he was so brave and encouraging but later on she moved on when he told her he didn’t feel the say but later on she grown feelings for Donnie . She also loves nicknames and shipping people/mutants/aliens. (Shipping:Cana x Mikey , Elizabeth x Leo, April x Casey )(nickname: Cana is Doll , Michelangelo is prankster,leonardo is Captain , Raph is Red , Elizabeth isBeth, Nicole:Cole-Cole , Arinna is Rin , Donnie is Donnie boy,April is scarlet, Casey Jones is CJ), she likes music but hates drama and two faces also dislike the dark (she scared of the dark) not a fan of sushi and blood , stitching and heights.

How they would interacted with mutants: surprise at first and maybe scared as well but later on alright with them she even find some of them cute (how she first met Donnie well she was spying on the purple dragons but didn’t know that Donnie was behind her only to turn around and scream at him and punch him only to quickly say sorry and run off)

How they would interact with humans: Well she kept to her self but when she gets to know you she pretty pushy and wants to help you. But if your on her bad list she would probably black mail you.

How they would interact with alien: star struck probably ask them a lot of questions about space.

How they would interact with Nicole: Mature, nice and polite because she is her boss

How they would interact with arinna: polite, supportive and nice

Backstory:she used to be childhood friend with April at the same school but later on she moved to a different school , her mother and father worked at a coffee shop called coffee of love , when her mother (Eve) went out in the alleyway to put some rubbish there only to hear a baby cry and she found Cana she was in a big old box so Eve took her back in her coffee and closed the shop and told her husband Peter that she found a baby girl and he decided to adopt her when Down seen Cana she was happy but 2 years later a men came to the shop they were called the kraang and kidnapped her parents but her mum and Dawn and Cana got away they quickly put Cana in a alleyway and quickly ran off but the kraang got Eve but Down got away still and ran and ran only for the police to get her and put her in the orphanage.

Anything else you want to tell me about them: she in love with Donnie , good at being a spy , she leaning to fight. She also loves fashion , learning to use a gun for self defence but mostly fights

How if you have an idea do you want me to bring them into the story or I can just make something up either way works: Nicole found someone who wants to work at her shop and Nicole agreed because she needs more help to at cleaning and baking to.

Has your character ever thought of being an assassin: she wants to but she can’t do well with blood that’s why she mostly good at spying.

Who would they get along better with arinna or Nicole: Nicole

Hope you continue
Raven claw chapter 2 . 7/13/2018
OMG sorry Mikey calls Cana smile bean

Sorry this is embarrassing sorry idk what smog even means lol
Raven claw chapter 2 . 7/13/2018
I hope it’s okay I can do my oc again just to more info and other stuffs but if your already making the chapter just ignore this and I love your work.

Character name: Cana Lockwood
Character age: 1 , 6 , 14 (found her as an baby, when she was 6 she did a huge prank on Nicole and arinna, when she was 14 she meets the turtles and splinter)

Character gender: female

Character appearance

Baby:peach skin small , brown eyes , with brown hair that’s put into a ponytail when down its in a short bob messy bangs , and she wears a baby blueberry pic top and brown baggy pants black sandals.

(6 and 10 )Child years old :she still has her peach skin and brown eyes and hair but her hair is still brown but now reaches her waist that’s even put into a bun , ponytail, mostly let down .her fringe/ bangs sometimes covers her eyes. Her outfit is a blue top with black leggings and black knee high boots, she slim but still has her innocence look , she normal height for a kid that age , she also slim(not like stick slim )

Young Teenager(14 years old): her fringe is the same still , her hair still reaches her waist but later on when the kraang invasions the earth she now her hair is an long bob hair styles almost up to her shoulders, she wears an white tea shirt and a sky blue skirt with white socks with black doll shoes she also tiny bit shorter than Mikey so reaches let’s say she up to his shoulders. She short and has went past puberty she an early blossom.

Battle outfit: she wears a black top with medium sleeves with black arm warmers and short black leggings with short black boots no heels. And a dark brown belt that attached to her her weapon is shuriken and a tanto. Her hair is put into 2 buns.

Character personality:she an prankster , cheeky and having fun tape of girl , but when she around strangers she shy and polite, but if she doesn’t like you mostly bitter,rude and will mostly blank you, she can be calm and mature only when board or just calm , she mostly the mother friend type , she loves animals, animal lover and a book worm . She nice , kind and understanding, but can get stressed out easily terrible at maths also can be forgetful but she cover it up with her kindness and cooking seriously she an awesome cook . She will go on genocide on you if you mess with her or her love ones. She also has an crush/feeling for Mikey later on. , she also likes cooking and pizza ,and testing Mikey cooking for her dream job being a baker to get ideas , she doesn’t know how to skateboard , she doesn’t play games a lot but she likes playing racing games and shooting also a great drawer and a neat colour also likes stars and the night sky but is scared of insects like Raph scared of roaches(IDK if I spelt it right) , she likes music but has stage fright. She also sassy and playful and good at acting sometimes, she can be cocky, she can also swim but she tiny bit double her self a lot mostly thinking she useless or it’s her and Mikey and sometimes others tease her about her size (Mikey and Raph and Casey do that Mikey says smog bean , Raph calls her shorty , Casey calls her strimp which she hates but she secretly doesn’t mind Mikey) she also likes giving nicknames. If she does get into a argument she will get the last laught if she lucky enough which doesn’t happen a lot but when she alone she cry , she not much a fighter but she can stand her battle but still loyal and can be sensitive .

Character traits:she does have a back bone , stands up for others , stubborn, can be innocent, naive and sometimes flirty (terrible at it it sounds like a kid trying to be all grown up but fails at it) also can be a pervert tiny bit because she watched a movie once. She a cuddly in bed.

How they would interact with

Mutant:calm with it , if anything she would be excited because she an animal lover and most mutant she seen are animals so yeah she cool with it. (Around Mikey and leatherhead she cuddles to you and if she scared she hug the person or mutants she close to)

Human:shy and polite, but when gets to know you crazy and understanding, but if she hates you she gonna be bitter and you better start running If you push her over the edge .

Arinna:calm , happy , laid back , cooking
Nicole:likes playing pranks on her , cheeky, having fun with her , and sometimes calm with her, sing songs together mostly made up , Cana the forgetful one

Some backstory:she doesn’t know who her parents are she just knows that Nicole found her and took her in to show arinna and the others what she found in the alleyway.

Anything else you want to tell about them:when she Ill she needs a lot of attention and she can be clingy and speaks 3ed person.

If you have an idea do you want me to bring them into the story:Well maybe at an night walk and there are showing the turtles the stars only to hear a baby cry below them and Nicole check it out only to find a baby name Cana and she decided to keep her so the turtles have some one to play with bonus she also did it to dress her up and show off.

Has your character ever thought of being an assassin:it has crossed her mind more than one

Who would they get along better with Nicole or Arinna:ooh hard too choose because they are both awesome and cool and funny , Rin is the funny and sounds like the mum friend , wile Nicole sounds like the laidback and protective friend mom I’ll would say Nicole she get best along with.

How you like my oc also I like the story so far keep up the good work
RainbowXheart chapter 15 . 5/23/2018
Please continue please and what’s going to happen next
RainbowXheart chapter 2 . 5/23/2018
Good guy Alternate Universe

Character name: Jimbo eclipse
Character age: 15
Character gender: male

Character appearance: same height as Raph , he has flat ginger hair and golden brown eyes with tan peach skin he also thin and he wears blue trousers with brown mountain boots and white baggy top with a brown short jacket with no sleeves (it’s a steampunk outfit )

Character personality traits: possible love interest rennet , he a flirty gentleman who likes to flirt can be sassy and very talkative he also has a soft spot for nerds , he hates up tight people mutant alien, passion with fashion, he uses his staff to change outfits he also wants to be free and keep traveling different Alternate Universe it’s his hobby . He likes magic shows , he’s a pro at flirty he still learning to use his magic. He can be a show off and be confident maybe to confident he cares to much gets hurt to much he also can be smart he might zoom out a lot .

Htwiwmhaan: mutants he alright with them , humans he finds them interesting, Nicole and arinna he likes to flirt with them.

Some backstory: he next in line to the throne, he ran away when his sister attack him to be next in line.

Aeywttmat: he has magic his left eyes glows yellow with black eye shadow in side that looks like a clock. He also has a magic staff

Hifyhaidywmtbtits: can you make one up please

Has your character ever thought of being an assassin: no

Would they get along better with arinna or Nicole: arinna
RainbowXheart chapter 2 . 5/23/2018
My oc can travels through Alternate Universe

Character name: Rosemary eclipse
Character age: 17
Character gender: female

Character appearance:she a Young teenager. She medium length tall she has pale white skin with brown eyes and long wavy red hair(not ginger) she also wears red lip sticks with a short green dress (no sleeves)and black also slim with black eyeliner

Character personality/traits: she jealous because her brother is next in line but she thinks she should be next in line because she stronger and smarter but her ego is to big and she can be snobby she also sneaky and good can be flirty and she strong.

Htwiwmhan:mutants she already knows about them because in the Alternate Universe royal lessons .Humans she treats them like dirt , arinna and Nicole she mostly think they are weak.

Some backstory:she from a Alternate Universe were they protect other universe but if you get the staff you are next in line only for her little brother to be next king .

Aeywttmat:she a princess , her eyes glow green when she uses mind control, she can go into different
Alternate Universe

Hiyhaidywmtbtitsoicjmsueww:she attack them because they are trying to stop her plan

Wwtgabwaon:none mine a bad guy
RainbowXheart chapter 1 . 5/23/2018
My oc’s are like renet you don’t see them that much
Raven claw chapter 2 . 5/23/2018
You know I just have to ask but how do you write so amazing please tell me because I want to make my own Tmnt story
Raven claw chapter 1 . 5/23/2018
Awesome also are we aloud 2 oc’s please
Guest chapter 15 . 5/22/2018
Can you do a character list so we know if we’re getting any new oc’s
Lol chapter 15 . 5/20/2018
Please continue please
Lol chapter 5 . 5/20/2018
Lol chapter 2 . 5/20/2018
I hope we can have this because I like Angel she needs more love

Character name: Angel Bridge
Character age: 12-13
Character gender: female

Character appearance:same height as Mikey, she has dark skin and love heart shaped lips. She has short puffy black hair that’s put into 2 ponytail with purple highlights, she has brown eyes. She wears a grey jacket with purple flowers designs on it and black jeans with white and purple trainers (underneath the jacket is a red tea shirt)

Character personality traits:rebel , tomboy , loves skateboarding and likes pizza scared of heights. She pretty chill . She likes to read secretly because it calms her down , she short tempered hates when someone hurts or even been mean to her grandmother. She laid back loves to tell jokes and puns also can be impatient but she likes flowers and cookies. Also can keep a secret also wants justice for those who have been victims of the purple dragons.

How they interact with mutant humans Nicole arinna:

Mutant: scream at first and faint but if your good mutant she laidback around you but if you’re bad she be on the edge.

Human: sassy and does jokes and tease you

Nicole: laid back and tells each other jokes .

Arinna: overprotective because she reminds her of her grandmother

backstory: Angel is from Casey's neighborhood, who lives with her grandmother. It is not known why Angel have no parents, but it is probable that they died and her grandmother now has legal custody of her .Although Casey promised her grandmother that he would look out for her, he could often not spare the time for it. Some say her parents were kidnapped or killed or just left her no one knows.

Anything else you want to tell about them: she has a weakness of cute things

How if you have an idea do you want me to bring them into the story or I can just make something up either works: maybe something to do with the purple dragons idk can you make one up please

Has your character ever thought of being an assassin: yes when she older

Who would they get along better with arinna or Nicole: arinna
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