Reviews for Changing Sides
Guest chapter 69 . 1/19
Your story is very well written. Each characters complexity appropriately protrayed. I wish you would carry on writing. I would really like to know what would be tragic to leave this without an ending...
Guest chapter 71 . 1/15
This is really good-love Evan. Hope it's updated soon!
xxxLeanniexxx chapter 71 . 11/13/2019
All those people living together is going to be chaos!
Guest chapter 23 . 9/29/2019
I have to admit, I wish regulus could reveal himself to Rachel and narcissa, but I guess that mightn’t be possible. I do hope he doesn’t join the order, and I hate that moody found out who he is. I also don’t like dumbledore that much, so I wish this was a regulus solo Horcrux hunt, but what can I do. And anyway, the story does make a more sense this way, as dumbledore would have a lot of valuable knowledge. Overall I do like this story, except for the parts that make me really uncomfortable, like Rachel, cissy, etc. You are a really good writer and in a good story nothing should be absolutely perfect for the protagonist anyway, and most of my dislikes are opinionated and prejudiced - like fanfiction has made me extremely wary of dumbledore as a character for ‘good’.
a-reads chapter 9 . 7/29/2019
Amazing chapters so far, really loving this.
Although I find it strange that the sorting hat considered gryffindor for regulus, he hasn't shown any traits for that house at all. Ravenclaw I could see. I mean he did figure out about the horcruxes by himself (it took dumbledore years to work this out.) He'll always be a slytherin to me though, being in that house doesn't automatically make someone evil..despite what 11 year old Sirius may think.
a-reads chapter 1 . 7/29/2019
I love your other story, blood of thy enemy, I don't know why it's taken me so long to read this too! This seems to be everything I want in a Regulus story. Love his characterisation so far! Many people write him really soft and spineless, but this is shaping up to match my own version of him! Thanks for writing this..I have a lot of chapters to catch up on
AJ Granger chapter 71 . 7/10/2019
Not so surprised that Regulus and Rachel finally had sex. It's been steaming on the back burner for awhile. It's interesting how close he seems to be with Cassie, but there's not an undertone of relationship there (unless they are just much better at hiding it). Frankly, I am a fan of killing MacNair and Cassie getting with either Regulus or Evan. I like Evan, even if he is a bad guy at times. Although, he did seem to like Katherine and perhaps her treatment of him will push them closer together. I like this story as it's very detailed with a lot of things happening. Looking forward to more on the horcrux hunt.
rainingsun2811 chapter 71 . 5/4/2019
Amazing Story!
EchoStorm7 chapter 1 . 4/22/2019
Read this whole thing in the last day, and wow was it a whirlwind. Love this story so much! I love especially your characterization of Regulus and how he’s intelligent and deceptive and whatnot. Too many stories that I’ve read where he’s has no spine at all, it’s sad. Thank you for the update! I’ll be eagerly waiting :)
Mousquetaire chapter 71 . 3/22/2019
This chapter made me realize there are alot of underused or even absent characters among the Order such as the Longbottoms or Aberforth. As far as Albus's brother is concerned I personally see him as kind of unregarding with his customer base as long as he makes money and I also don't think he'd be impressed by the death eater's threat. Like I can see him wiping the floor with some particularly bothering death eater customer without any qualms.

I was really surprised that Cassie frontally attacked Regulus on his "affair" with Farrah, I mean when it comes to Regulus and others girls she usually played it subtle so not to awoke his suspicions. It must have really bothered her if she couldn't keep it to herself.
I'm under the impression that the talk between Cassie and Regulus started on a misunderstanding. She adressed him on his "exploits" right after he had spent the morning with Rachel hence the reason why he was so surprised by her revealing she was actually adressing Farrah. I imagine her adressing that subject must have already sounded strange to him, add to that her overreaction to something that happened long ago and that was none of her business, I can easily see how unsettling it appeared.

The betrothal contract part was interesting and contrary to what was believed, Cassie wasn't almost betrothed to Regulus. Also had Sirius remained the heir he would have been the one considered to be betrothed to these girl. I dare say Regulus would probably not have had to marry someone of their choice since he wouldn't be valuable.

Regulus made Rachel looks like a workaholic with his lie. Also I don't think it's safe for her to go working at St Mungo anymore, I mean unless the Hospital is under heavy protection which is I'm not sure the minstry could afford -especially now the DMLE's disappeared-, she'd better avoid it. She is a known Order member and now "the girl that Regulus Black shielded with his body".
Guest chapter 71 . 3/21/2019
Thanks for the chapter! This story is one of my favorite Regulus Lives AU, and I am really happy you decided to continue it!
Kelana-ti chapter 70 . 3/8/2019
I'm really enjoying this story. You really have a talent for putting characters into awful situations that are morbidly hilarious for some reason. Seriously, Regulus getting staked by a vampire? LOL.
Dancing-Souls chapter 70 . 2/27/2019
So Regulus and Rachel finally do something about their not so hidden, but hidden from each other, jealously. I do like Rachel and Cassie is certainly a character I also like. Farrah I’m undecided about...

I like how complex all of the characters are. Even the characters I like, including my favorite character Regulus have flaws that annoy me. Undoubtedly I have flaws of my own that annoy me. Glad to see an update. Had to reread but was glad I did.
xXWinterRoseXx chapter 70 . 2/24/2019
I've re-read the whole story over the last few days. I had to, because I forgot most of the details, lol. But I didn't mind, since this story is so great and there are only so few stories about Regulus Black out there anyways. I'm so happy that you've finally updated this. Thank you so much for that by the way. And also for the effort you put into writing this masterpiece. It's one of my most favourite fanfictions ever and I really can't wait to see what will happen next. However, I have to admit that I don't really ship Regulus and Rachel. I've been trying, but they seem to lack chemistry somehow. It almost seems forced. I much prefer his interactions with Cassie. But it looks like Cassie has met someone else, who might become a potential love interest for her. My suspicion is that she met Rachel's brother in that bar, which would be kinda an ironic twist of fate. I really loved the scene with Evan and Katherine at the start of chapter seventy. I think we all underestimated her a lot. I'm a little worried what will happen once she has figured out who Marcus truly is. I can't even blame her all that much for seeking retribution, since it was her brother who died. I just hope that she will realise eventually that Voldemort was the one at fault in the end. Regulus acted in self-defense and it's not like he was the one to cast the killing curse. Well, this story has so many great characters that it would take ages to comment on everyone and everything. Just know that I love absolutely everything about this story - except for Rachel. I don't hate her or something, but I don't really care for her either. It's a good thing that she isn't the only POV character. I guess it doesn't help that she is the love interest of my favourite character in this story. But I tolerate her for Regulus's sake. Kinda like Evan. LOL.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/23/2019
So glad this story is back!
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