Reviews for Crystal Murmers
Mochiyo-sama chapter 1 . 10/27/2014
AAAAAAAAAAAAA I'm so happy I find another KanHan fic! (since SW fandom in AO3 hasn't been updated since God-knows-when ;w;) and it's sweet as hell. Nearly had a tear in my eye. It's just-uggggggggh I swear to God this two is killing me inside! And reading this fic after reading Taiko is not helping at all ;w;

Definetely looking forward to your next KanHan! Or your next KageKane or TakaYoshi for all that matter :DD
Anon chapter 1 . 10/22/2014
This was okay. It was kinda toching, but I can't get pas the KanHan. I don't want to be mean, but I hate it when fangirls two heterosexual guys who happen to be friends or enemies, and make them gay since it destroys their personalities.

I can't see Kanbei loving anyone romantically at all, let alone another man. And even if he did, Kanbei would probably never approach Hanbei since he's the only friend he has and wouldn't want to ruin that. And Hanbei sleeps to much to even think about romance.

I'm sure if I wrote a story about KunKai or Noichi you'd probably have the same complaints. But my writings skills probably suck compared to you.
BlackNights24 chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
Awmy god! I love this pairing! I nearly cried when I found out Hanbei dies and then everyone just writes about when Hanbei is dead or dieing. I love how he is still with Kanbei in this story.
skulledRenaissance chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
You don't understand, when I was editing this, I thought a tear came to my eye. An honest to god tear.
So this is a good story. Congrats on making me almost cry. 33