Reviews for Coming Out of the Daze
bkjar chapter 16 . 10/3
It’s Quil, not Quill.
twi nana chapter 19 . 5/21
loved it...and cried...and loved it
Cavelenare chapter 11 . 6/6/2019
Your Bella is stupid lol
Debbie Hicks chapter 19 . 6/1/2019
20. Epilouge 2.
thenE ALIEN VENOM Then with they then Whollist while then From bitten the creatd immortal children the changed tyhe guard found her insance with a immortal child the yiou there are punished then Red of the mother then With they gher screams was heard then Mangled with her dead son good guaerd thde tore were as all yiouy get her the with they the n the final hours she surrndered Head tore loose with her sons with they were Murderd with they wee mkilled good then Brought there Killed from as all of them then Bella had Seven then was dying with ithin childbirth then bitten then too late Executed good they will never pase again are drained as very far as all of them the get them then the tsk tsk tsk tsk our masters sent us then Assaulted by abusing then tore into pieces with both then lost from here Atomized then grabbing then the n toore heads good tell them yiu Isabella charged with murder of the people Cullens/the both found yiu guilty weith the newborns Destroyed and the freaks killed then thhe hearts failing then Extinct then was too late Bella was dead with they fled good bring the criminals then too late the head found the cause then Wsasd next with they then who did to them Elders Change them it is time they did then Vaporiozed but chained her we report yiu are punished as a Cullen guard then the tore her from the outside in then With them then killed them brought there good the damages to their heal phaed in fevers too late Bitten Bree and Diego both broken breely then too late Brought there good guard dead in phase then lost the need to breed she was very bitter herself looked young was Ancient but old Alice who done to his wife Volturi then first hunt to as very as all where you go freaks get the halflings are bitten too late far too young get them the grabbed you are charged with murder Felix take care of the onesaa bitten illegally her screaming then tore into pieces tore head with theirs Broken apart then ATOMIZED Into flames good guards rid of them wre far too powr grew too strong then too late was ashes then brought the Carnivorous Selves then were more than as all of them suddenly reborn we anmesiacs Alice we wre transoprted who did to you gasp hunted far way too much many more you never have kids are what iciest cold but warmer CARLISLE! Thentoo Late The kids finally phased then after death were teenagers ate blood were Inmmortal imprinted then too late more kids as all now too late they stopped Iam Afraid oiu may never have kids then Blazing freely from both brought there good guard they are Lycans execute them then too late was both lifeless corpses suddenly were Bombed then more with three were as all very far more than ended them that Bella had a headache was Self-defensive and mentally but physically then they had planet powers then nukked freely both snapped then Brought there good no longer alive then it was too late herself was Toned and strong Alice they are not humans are stuck at this age cursed Nothingness tore freely brought there we report Shiftpires are dead you die slowly with these ones are put to death bitten by snakes illegally we found out she had as all great-great-great-great-grandchildern are sentenced to death with the Cullens as all of covens/packs witnessed Masters about the bodies um Excuse me Verdict Death too late killed them for their sinned crimes but bitten different kids made a army followed good then we place them on Death row sentenced to be injected with poisonous then screams was heard then it was over dead As all of guards nuked bitten good more guards we desire then too late Alicew was stricken of a vision eyes bulged then crashed a flying sound They are looking for us Volturi they put us/they on death row it's over then Snapped freely then brought there declared them Law breakers tore then too late Burning to death good more as all of them they are punished then too late herself had no human memories of her human life now as all of them had last kids too late wree infected they too had kids Alice what is it the home with they transformed into a motorhome looks like a Unicat gasp with deported as all of things blew up with three pools merged oh my god then it was too late both laid there then too late gone good guard they can't return are on Vulcan to more as all of them rid of them then lost in here then it was too late blown up frozen up were more snapped vanished freely by now it was as all of them was over the both wre waxen good they are nuked into ashes they are lost in here forever,
rachel625 chapter 19 . 7/18/2018
This was such an incredibly cute story! Thanks for sharing!
mounds01 chapter 19 . 1/19/2018
I loved this story!
jacksperluvr chapter 19 . 12/6/2017
I loved it.
Soledad Sanchez chapter 18 . 9/25/2017
Until then I liked history, but you killed Jacob, it's difficult to accept. Anyway, I like your writing. I liked your story, I put it between my favorites.
Soledad Sanchez chapter 9 . 9/24/2017
I like it, my only concern is Jake, he has been pushed away too soon, I think. But since they were not to close... anyway, I like it.
NegansGirl2020 chapter 12 . 8/31/2017
I'm sorry but in this chapter Bella is being a bitch! it's not about Paul trying to control her she clearly doesn't understand a thing he said to her about the wolf or the imprint
dianebelcher81 chapter 19 . 8/30/2017
please write more.
Cokey90 chapter 19 . 7/17/2017
I've read this story before, and I've just re-read it. This is amazing! And chapter 18 made me cry both times! Such a well written story! Thank you!
Wizards N Dragons Realm chapter 19 . 6/18/2017
loved this story and cried for the last two chapters. It's such a shame Jacob died but I just knew that Bella's baby would somehow represent him. Great story!
Emma Morgenstern chapter 19 . 1/26/2017
Great story!
ProfileNoLongerHere chapter 19 . 12/1/2016
I enjoyed your story very much! It was so sad when Jacob died though! I wanted something miraculous and super natural to happen so that Jake would not actually be gone, but it never happened! My wishful thinking!

Thanks for a good read! I thought it ended perfectly! Well done!
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