Reviews for Exchange
Guest chapter 3 . 5/26/2016
hello swettie.. not to put pressure on you but any news about if this fic is going to go on?
tedlay chapter 3 . 7/24/2015
Awesome story. The different kingdoms idea is great and the way you make everything connect with the Greek gods is amazing.
godess bubbles chapter 3 . 6/14/2015
I love this story! Please update soon!I look forward to seeing Percy and Nico together!
Lucenthia chapter 3 . 2/26/2015
This was a decent chapter. I liked the culture building behind this chapter. The history that wasn't too much of an info dump, and the way we got an introduction to the dynamics in the royalty. It was also funny how you made everyone related in this world too, because it's definitely true of the Greek Gods.
The prose was very solid and was very easy to read yet consistent at the same time. The more formal diction with which Plieone talked was kept up the entire time and contrasted well with the coarser dialect of Bythos.

I like where this fic is going, keep it up!
Randomness chapter 2 . 2/21/2015
You are an awesome writer, I love this story so much. Plzz update soon, the suspense is killing me. T-T
sirius1696 chapter 1 . 2/22/2015
Aww, Nerites was so cute. Anyway, I remember this story starting with Hitome-chan before he quit. I can only hope that you will continue this story and that I will finally see the end of it. Good start, good start. Now I hope you can stand and deliver
theboringdolphin chapter 3 . 2/22/2015
I can't wait for the next chapter. I feel kind of bad for Percy, he's gonna be away from the sea and into a new land that he doesn't know much about. Awesome chapter, I liked the little story there with Bythos (I hope I spelled his name right) it was pretty funny.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/29/2015
eddie chapter 2 . 1/28/2015
great story, please continue!
Doctor of Darkness chapter 2 . 1/6/2015
Will the story, now that you have taken it over, need the M rating. I was just wondering because I looked over your other stories and they are rated T. I am not saying that you can't write M rated fics, but am just a little woried. Also, are you thinking of sticking to the same storyline or do you think you will deviate? Thanks for picking this story up! Nice changes by the way.
Commander Bear chapter 2 . 11/22/2014
I absolutely adore how you write Amphitrite. They way she treats Percy is really realistic for her character. Can't wait for the next chapter
theboringdolphin chapter 2 . 11/3/2014
I was going to read it this when Hitome had it but when I went back a few weeks ago, it was gone. And I heard that you took on the story for the XSonofHadesX. Awesome chapter I can't wait to read more!
Blue'n'BlackRavens chapter 2 . 11/3/2014
I really like this story! It's so well thought out! Plus it's not rushed (which I find alot with some stories I read). Hmm... Im wonder why people don't talk about Pluto... I can't wait till I read about it. I can imagine it being dark but pretty (if that makes sense?) like creepily beautiful.
Poor Percy though! Being sent away! Though Poseidon makes a good point so at least it's justified. :)
But like I can't wait to meet Nico, Hades and the rest of the family! And of course Percy and Nico meeting. Im wondering if they are going to be in to each other when they meet OR kinda be meh at first...oh so many possibilities! :D
Plus I'm so curious about Pluto and "death magic" and generally there town and culture. Nico is my favourite character in everything so it's highly likely when he makes a appearance, I will fangirl.
Seriously I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Lucenthia chapter 2 . 10/28/2014
This story's a lot better than your retelling of the Titan's Curse, so I'm hopeful for this. I'd say that if past wars and stuff are going to be important, then mention them a bit more. Especially when it comes to the dynamics of how different countries act around each other.

Can't find much to criticize, keep it up.
Anonymous chapter 2 . 10/26/2014
I'm so glad this story is back! Can't wait to see what you'll do with it :D