Reviews for The Imperfections
Candy chapter 13 . 4/12
I really love this story, in so sad that it hasn't been updated in a long while, but I hope you will return to it sometime. It's beautifully written with a really good emotional toll.
BlusteringBeeBlossom chapter 13 . 9/13/2019
One of my favorite parts for these kinds of stories is the healing because of heartwarmingly sweet it is. I really hope you do continue this one day because I'm looking forward the road to recovery.
MiciChrysDCMWL1980 chapter 13 . 9/8/2018
*brushes away tears for the thousandth time* this is so sad, but beautifully written. I just want to hug them all, especially poor Arthur. Francis is just so caring and I hope that Arthur will eventually come around and learn to do something that he's not done in a oong while, if ever: trust. I know it has been awhile, but please continue?
Guest chapter 13 . 8/13/2018
Girl im in love with this fanfic, everything is so well written, the emotions and the actions. I love your way of describing. Will you update soon?
Guest chapter 13 . 6/17/2018
Although I know you're most likely not going to update this (although I will definitely read if you ever do), I'd like you to know that I truly have enjoyed reading this story. It's very well written and deals well with themes that many professional authors have immense trouble even beginning to pull off. Thank you for making this. :)
Fran chapter 13 . 6/10/2018

It has been years since I read this fanfic, and to be honest, it never disappoints me. Hell, I don't even like stories written in first pov, but this one is just too perfect like this. The writting is neat and careful, I love it.

I can't say I have been in the same situation as Arthur, but being just as stubborn and having the same attitudes, I can't help but be amazed by how realistic his actions and thoughts are. I remember when I had multiple little heart attacks and chest pains for several weeks without telling anyone, and continued to work even more by time, until people called the ambulance and obligated me to go. I felt the same as Arthur- Why did they bother? Why do they care? My existence is not important. I needed to do more and become better, not wallow in pity and go to the hospital for mere chest pains and heart attacks. Of course, Arthur situations is worse, but even so, it feels so real when I read his thoughts and his reactions over things.

Francis is amazing, though to be honest, I can't help but wonder why he helps so much, even though he has his own problems. Even so it is clear that he cares, it's still hard to grasp on why. He's actions and reactions all seem very real though, and so emotional and sensible. It's amazing.

I hope you continue this fanfic, even so it has been long abandoned I think. I adore it.

Kind regards
Judasispure chapter 13 . 4/29/2018
I love this story so much! Everything from your writing to the story in general is amazing and the way you portrayed Arthur is amazing (considering the abuse and everything his thought process is so realistic). This is honestly my favourite Hetalia fic by far and the best part is I found it on accident
I also really like the way you wrote the abuse, it’s so real and everything? And how you focused on his fear and how he doesn’t want to live and everything?
I know you haven’t updated in a while but this is such an amazing fic! I don’t have the words to describe how I feel about it other than my dedication lol (I at one point had the entire 1 chapter memorized...)! This got me through some tough times basically and I just thought you should know at least a little how much I appreciate your writing!
Guest chapter 13 . 4/20/2018
Although it seems like you most likely won't be continuing this story, I'd like you to know that I absolutely love it.
Tamano Setsuna chapter 13 . 1/7/2018
I know you probably come back, but I really liked your story.
EmeraldAwesome14 chapter 13 . 9/1/2017
I know you probably aren't continuing this story, considering it's been over two years now, but I've really enjoyed this story. Thank you for making this, even if it won't be finished 3 :)
ivyshadow13 chapter 13 . 1/22/2017
I know you haven't updated in a while but if your still in this fandom could you PLEASSSSSE continue? I loved this story so much, i first read it back around a year ago maybe, then i read it again a few months ago and today I read it all over again. I really love the writing here and the character developement. I really hope against all odds that you come back and finish this.
Guest chapter 13 . 1/8/2017
Please continue - I'm hooked. You are a brilliant writer and I love your story!
Enlag chapter 13 . 8/12/2016
This is a really great work tbh. I like the accuracy of the hospital and how his wounds are treated, and his behavior and reactions to things are spot on. Know it's been a while since you've updated but I love this story so much and hope to see more of it in the future
GREATNESS chapter 13 . 6/16/2016
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE! I need to know more! I need Francis to be strong for Arther in the rough moments and Arthur to be strong for Francis if he has a rough moment, and me being evil, I hope he does just to help Arthur along. THIS IS SO GREAT! I REALLY HOPE YOU ARENT DEAD! I LOVE YOU AND YOUR WRITING XD! IM KINDA ABRASIVE
A Person chapter 13 . 6/16/2016
It's been a while since you've updated, and it's a bit rude to ask, but can you please not abandon this? It feels real. A whole lot more real than a lot of stuff out there. I need real. I need relatable. So... Please? I understand if you've lost inspiration or school is rough, but please.
Your writing is wonderful
Thank you so much!
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