Reviews for Daylight
Max Crimson chapter 1 . 7/22/2015
Wow. That was one amazing roller coaster. I kinda hope Mycroft realizes that Sherlock's alive, I hate to see him so broken. But on the other hand I don't want him to find out, becuase that would mean John gets pulled out of his happy little life with Tana (or whatever her name is) and Tommy.

I love how John's all like. "Tommy, I'm going to teach you to deduce shit like a boss! XD

DracyGiuliana chapter 1 . 5/11/2015
Amazing! This sequel is just as brilliantly amazing as "Good Old-Fashioned Nightmare"!
You really deserve more recognition for this, it's... I mean wow! I don't even have words for my giddy excitement!
This whole story was bomb, I love it!
Ruth Lechner chapter 1 . 1/9/2015
Oh my God. By now you've gotten my first review, and I've just re-read the bottom, and I just want to take back what I said about why I thought you didn't put a third part. I don't know. I don't care. If you write a third part I'd be so happy. I'm just so happy with this story and it's prequel, it's just so amazing! I'd love to see another one, but you're the judge so only write one if you see fit. I'm not fixing on another one I'm so happy with these both - I can promise I'll read them both again, and again. Over and over. I liked how you incorporated Sherlock dying in here like in canon - I liked that. Again, everything was realistic and intriguing and compelling. There was not one bit where I thought oh I want to stop or it's hit a dry path, it's just amazing. Everything about this is just so perfect. I had a moment just to ponder how perfect it all is. Everything about it is just so... psychologically, and one all levels, compelling. Intriguing. I'll never forget it in my life. Thank you that I've found your story and been able to read it. You're an excellent writer. A very, very talented writer. I can tell you know how to write and you know how to use your words - I mean you know what they mean. There's no word that's misplaced or meaning (definition) misunderstood or taken for granted. Every word is just used so precisely. Everything that is explained, I understand the psychology of everyone involved. There's no vagueness or over-playing of the hand. It's just perfect. I'm in awe - it's an inspiration to me! I thoroughly enjoyed this and the previous one from beginning to end. I've never had that before. I liked it so much! :DD
B.Krakken chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
Brilliant! Just brilliant! I read the first part of this story just last night, and had to read the final piece tonight...! You, my dear, have a wonderful gift for writing and this...was a magnificent piece of fan fiction! It broke my heart. I commend you on this and all your future writing.

Well done.
Knyle Borealis chapter 1 . 11/8/2014
Whoa. You write incredibly well, even if I have no idea how I feel about what just happened.