Reviews for Tainted
Guest chapter 4 . 9/9/2018
this was such a long time ago, i know... but i can’t help but laugh at how my initial thought was, “wow kuroko seems so cool and strong in this!” ... but in reality he couldn’t win a single fight throughout the entire story... how is that he is a mutant with all 3 abilities but still be the one being hospitalized in like every chapter? i was really disappointed seeing how weak he is lol. i need to look for more stories that make kuroko the strong one for a change, lol!
Nifawiwa chapter 4 . 11/1/2016
This was so interesting! I'm not usually a fan of action scenes, but I enjoyed yours very much, honestly! This was an amazing short story, really, I would have liked to read more. I always enjoy detective cases like these, though they're mostly fantasy-free, but you did a very good job with this! I'm only a bit confused about one part when Akashi got mental confusion. Why did he think Kuroko was first name?.. Maybe it's just part of that weird confusion, I don't know, sorry XD The ending was so cute, I'm glad they got together . I had a great time reading this, thank you! I'm off to read more now, bye bye~
Freezing Luna chapter 4 . 3/25/2016
Freezing Luna chapter 3 . 3/24/2016
Kise taking out the Akashi Seijuroo is like wtf just happened there?
AnjoRemix chapter 4 . 8/2/2015
awww how touching..but I wonder what happened to Aomine though sadly. Plus I don't know if you noticed this error but when Akashi sees the white board; Murasakibara taught him how to write his "first" name not his last name. Akashi is his last name not his first :P lol. but this was lovely 3
cincinnatus18 chapter 3 . 6/23/2015
Sounds like Aomine, Kise and Midorima. Then Murasakibara and Akashi are the detectives and Kuroko the 'victim'.
Jay Dawn chapter 4 . 6/4/2015
[A beautiful story told in a span of 4 chapters. Did I mention I dreamt about this? I read this story last night, actually. :3]
Kurotori Anri chapter 4 . 2/18/2015
Loved it! I specially love to read about Kuroko's dark side. I can't help but think of "How to train your dragon 2" tho... Great story
lovleydragonfly chapter 4 . 1/21/2015
Wait...what happened to aomine, kise, and shintarou?

hamstercorn chapter 4 . 1/16/2015
Love this story! This story better continue!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/10/2015
Kyaaa! Thanks for updating! When you said that this chapter was 13k words I was like dayum this is gonna take forever, but as i kept reading i was panicking because my scrolling bar was moving even closer to the bottom, i disnt want it to end. Thank you for writing this story and I hope you write more alakuro fics because I really enjoy your works such as your ice aus!
StarlightBlue101 chapter 4 . 1/10/2015
Haha Let me tell you my adventurous story of reading the last chapter XD Ok so I began the chapter when suddenly my computer warned me of low batteries "You have 2% of battery life left", I was like Shit! I need the charger! I got the charger and everything but in the end it didn't charge at all! I though it was broken or something but then I tried to switch on the lights to find out that my entire electricity disappeared! I was like "NOOOOOOO!" *Darth Vader voice* and I began to despair :( Then I remembered that I still had my phone and that it's charged so I read the rest from my phone. Whew! That was close! But I had to wait when I got back my electricity to review XD

AWESOME CHAPTER! I LOVED IT! I loved the end, the reason they kidnapped Kuroko and poor Akashi getting a bit confused due to the stones! It was awesome! I just have some questions:

1) How did Aomine remain insane after he was separated from the stones? I thought that after they are far away from the user they would go back to normal, just like Kuroko did when Akashi took the stones off of him. Did Kise kill Aomine? or did he revert back to being normal like Kuroko did? Ah! Is it because Aomine had the power of the 3 stones and touched them and Kuroko didn't? Hmmm...

2)So Kuroko had the power of the 3 stones but never used their powers? I thought he would fully transform into a dragon (more of his body parts becoming dragon), shoot his fire with dead accuracy and move at the speed of light XD hehe but then he would be really unstoppable. Also, Kuroko's power of those blue flames kind of surprised me. I thought his power would cost Kuroko his life. In exchange for using the power he would die. But I'm SO glad it's not that! I need a happy ending :) Hehe but with the way Kuroko was scared of it (and it was even described to be worse than the beast stone) I really thought it would be that he would have to die if he used it. I think that the beast stone has a much bigger consequence (in my opinion). Ah also, why did the stones want Kuroko? For sole destruction or because Kuroko is special from being born from them?

3)How will Akashi handle living with Kuroko? Would Kuroko be shunned by the society because he is different? Also... ehem... will they do lemon even though Kuroko is a mutant? Can Kuroko become pregnant because his body is different? (haha sorry for the weird question which is totally unrelated. I'm just curious). Akakuro babies with wings and claws XD hehe

4)Lastly, is this definitely the end or will you do an extra chapter on how they are living together? (Just random question)

Sorry for so many questions! *bows* I LOVED THE STORY! Good job! and thank you so much for your hard work! I got so happy when I saw how long the chapter is! You made my day you updated it just before the beginning of season 3! YESS! Now I'm even more fired up to watch the episode! Thank you so much! *hugs tightly*
jarofclay42 chapter 4 . 1/10/2015
ahhhHHHH i have to thank you (like HONESTLY pls imagine me begging for a handshake with you) for writing a long-ish akkr au of this kind and eveN FINISH IT. i have been dying for akkr fics these day and this (which i actually didnt notice before today, but its better this way so i could read it all i one go HAH) was something i really needed right now. akashi's characterization was very pleasant, a nice mAN FINALLY oreshi ahhhh and the way he was interested in kuroko and his cleverness and he wanted to know him outside the case awww it was really sweet, i loved the bench part and kuroko's awkward reaction to him wanting to talk about each other. also kurOKOPROTECIRNG AKASHi from midorimahhhhh yesyesyes andd kuroko's character too was well done, how he had come to accept his person and didnt act as if he was too troubled by his life bc yEA kuroko's soul is invincible like that. the two of them spareing in the training ahh yesx1000 i like how they were both serious and calculating albeit when it ends akashi is worried and when they're at his house he keeps thinking of kuroko while thinking aboht case but waits for kuroko to just wake up idK i liked the smallest things, maybe its bc i find many more creepy akashi in fics? in the first chapters his always-thinking concise(?) politeness really hit me, he was very oreshi, im so glad.
also there were many moments (more like all) where as i ENVISIONED the fic, in my head it looked REALLY cool, thats another factor i take a lot into account when i read fics, if they simply look good in my head. and yours did all throughout so thank you? also kuroko's moment when he has the blue throat haha yessss i liked that it put his voice out of use for a while (:
ok bye
everyday means everyday papapa chapter 4 . 1/10/2015
Wow ! This is a very long chapter ! I love long chapter ! Thank you for updating a new chapter ! I love it, I love it, I love it! :D Update soon !
everyday means everyday papapa chapter 3 . 1/8/2015
I love it. Please update soon. This is so good and I can't wait to know what happens next. Please update soon :)
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