Reviews for A Home for a Boy Named Ed
OrangeSunset1701 chapter 6 . 5/23
I adore this! Daddy Roy is the best thing ever, and little Ed is so cute! I love how you wrote 2 year old Ed's perspective and thought process; it was precious!
Multidimensional Scribe chapter 6 . 3/18
I really like your story. This and the main story may be one of the best de-aging fics I read. It’s well written and it isn’t about just fluff. It explores how relationships change and how a person may be different when growing up from a different set of circumstances. You also managed to balance nature and nurture in Ed. If this is not abandoned, will you write a chapter where Armstrong offers to raise Ed. I can only imagine how funny that would be.
Wordsorcereress chapter 2 . 5/10/2019
I'm half crying and half melting, that was so sweet. Roy being a father figure is just so perfect, I loved this so much! Actually tugged on my heartstrings enough to hurt my eyes too, aww. I hope that there's more Little Ed stories like this, what even happened to Ed to make him a baby? - "plot-power?" or is there something more happening?
Either way, this was so cute and I couldn't hit that favourite button hard enough.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/28/2019
Those were all so frickin CUTE. I'm about a dozen chapters through the original, and when you mentioned in one of the A/N that there was a fic with Ed younger, I had to go and read it right away.

I'm absolutely loving this whole series 3 ParentalRoy is just so cute.

Sebine chapter 6 . 12/11/2018
These are so sickeningly cute.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/30/2017
I don't have the words to express how much I love this last one
Guest chapter 2 . 8/30/2017
I'm laughing at Ed but he sounds so cute
Guest chapter 1 . 8/30/2017
This is so adorable XD
YAJJ chapter 6 . 4/2/2017
/I'm not crying you're crying/
YAJJ chapter 3 . 4/2/2017
This chapter broke my heart. And Roy, slowly singing his son's lullaby, one little verse at a time... and finally nearly crying... and begging Ed not to die... how am I to recover? I can't recover from this. My heart is broken.
mixmax300 chapter 4 . 12/24/2016
Awwww I just had to review on this too. I'm crying again because this was just too cute :') Wow I love Roy and Riza together and little Ed just makes it even better. I can't wait for more from these little stories and your main story. Maybe I'll stop crying soon but it was just way too cute! Write on!
sakuzi-chan chapter 5 . 7/29/2016
Love this chappie. Would it be greedy to ask for more stories of Velcro-baby? Like when Roy picked Ed from Resembool and the early days hehe.
Zangetsu50 chapter 6 . 3/28/2016
Can there be a chapter of Ed's first day of school. I can just picture Roy taking all kinds of pictures and then while Ed is at school having fun, Roy is at the office thinking the whole time if Ed will be alright, etc, etc
Elise chapter 6 . 2/29/2016
Oh my goodness the cuteness! My heart! Second time reading these and it is still so adorable and perfectly written... I especially loved when Riza found out about Ed, when she watched Roy just being all fatherly and when she wanted to shoot him for being an idiot x) Gah I love those three! Now I really wish both boys had been turned into babies and had grown up together with Roy and Riza... the story would have been super awesome as well... I love parental!Royai/Elric boys and Al doesn't get enough love poor dear.
Anyways, thanks so so much for sharing this, I fangirled through the lot and "awed" many a time. Please write more!
Anon chapter 6 . 2/23/2016
Love it! Love it all! You are a spectacular writer, and I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that :P the fact that your stories spawn thousands of reviews says it all! Thank you for your time to make these stories which I soak up faster than you can write hahahaha...

Just one note though (and nothing bad I promise). I love the parental Roy and Ed you make, honestly, lovely stuff. I was just wondering if you'd be willing to put a little bit more Riza and Ed as well. You write excellently in character, and I'd love to see them have some bonding time too (something people never really show about the stoic hawkeye). Just a consideration :D but, again. You're wonderful!
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