Reviews for Screw Ups
Joanne N. Grey chapter 2 . 1/6/2017
So much feels, fluff and such! I LOVE IT! I should totally send you an e-hug, a big one too. The first chapter, it just turtle-made my day (see what I did there? XD) and the second, just as sweet. Thanks for the story... and the closure. :)
PopcornWolf10 chapter 2 . 11/23/2016
The Light That Shines chapter 2 . 10/6/2016
The feels. This is fantastic all the emotions from each brother and the fluff was amazing. Thanks for sharing. :)
LiL PriNCeSs Me chapter 2 . 1/28/2015
Aww, my heart hurts. That was so so so so cute! And yes, I totally felt a bit empty inside after 'The Croaking' and 'Parasitica'.. and 'Buried Secrets'... and every other time Mikey does something and it goes unappreciated by his brothers. Its so not fair. Yea, everyone knows that they love each other and all but they never apologize to Mikey when they wrong him. And when he does something really great and amazing, they just seem shocked that he was able to rather than praise or thank him. Why is that? But.. thye have their moments, and they are adorable. This was great. I loved Mikey. I loved Raph. I loved Ice cream Kitty. I loved Leo and Donnie. It was all amazing.
bookworm563 chapter 1 . 12/2/2014
Im smiling of pure cheering! :)
Athese chapter 2 . 11/13/2014
Woah! i just noticed this wasn't an one-shot, alright i'm happy :D
This was again so cute! just like the first chapter
Athese chapter 1 . 11/13/2014
This was so beautiful, sad and wonderful! Thank yous o much for this Cute one-shot! :3
AriameSalim chapter 2 . 11/12/2014
I absolutely loved this. This is exactly what I have been hoping to see in the Nickelodeon show considering how many episodes that they have dedicated to Mikey's brothers taking him for granted. This more than made up for the lack of it. Awesome job!
ducky mikey chapter 2 . 11/12/2014
Awwwwww x'3
The feels man
kendramccormick chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
I loved this so much!
SuperHeroFan82 chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
aww... cute Mikey Raph moment! very good job! I give it a 10!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
That was really cute and totally the thing I needed right now :D
Thank you! Keep up the good work!
BubblyShell22 chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
Aww, that was so cute and sweet. Trust Raph to apologize and make Mikey feel better after what was said. Nicely done on this. I loved it.

The Bubbly One,
Guest chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
I will take pride in being the first reviewer for this fabulous little fluff bomb! And I would like to say that this is AWESOME and it's great to see a story about what happened after, because, in my opinion, they never really went over how destroyed Mikey was feeling at the start. All they said was "good to have you back" and that was it. Not enough fluff OR depth. But this more than made up for it. Keep writing for a very long time my friend. ;-)