Reviews for The Unexpected Hobbit
Difdi chapter 11 . 9/8
Busted. Sakura should feel bad for th pun.
TigerCat chapter 20 . 12/3/2019
Sakura, don't you know better than to ask that?
TigerCat chapter 13 . 12/3/2019
Disputing the Warg feedings on a couple of bases - One being the catch-all of "magic, duh." The other being the treatment of the wargs by orcs. Undoubtedly the wargs were fed enough to bear a rider, but I bet they were kept hungry. Much like fighting dogs, it would make them more eager for the flesh of whatever they hunted. Also, orcs probably figured if you were too slow to avoid the warg, you deserved it. Much like they fed on each other. So Tolkien's numbers were probably exaggerated from 'reasonable' standards, but not quite as badly as they seem. And another point that occurs to me - the wargs probably ate the weaker ones of their kin, eventually leading to the strongest and best able to resist hunger.

Just a point I wanted to make, because I imagine while Tolkien didn't put some of that into words, he may have had the general idea.
TigerCat chapter 8 . 12/2/2019
I am amused at Sakura's amusement.
Raved Thrad chapter 7 . 8/20/2018
So far it's been an enjoyable, interesting read, but I feel that I have to point out that the Elves and Dunedain would not be speaking in Quenya, at least not for everyday conversation. While the Elves in Valinor would have kept Quenya as their everyday tongue, it was Sindarin that was spoken in the Ennorath, with Quenya kept more as a lore-tongue, much like Latin is today among English-speakers.
Child of Dreams chapter 43 . 7/17/2018
Bilbo, don't leave!
Child of Dreams chapter 39 . 7/17/2018
Dori... Nori...
Child of Dreams chapter 15 . 7/17/2018
Oh yes, I absolutely adore this Thorin...
Child of Dreams chapter 14 . 7/17/2018
(sighs contentedly)
I could get used to this Thorin...
KiwirRoses chapter 43 . 12/12/2017
Wow! Just wow! This story was utterly epic! Amazing! So cool! I loved Sakura! I loved Bilbao's growth and the changes to the canon story. Gollum's end. Bard getting married! Thorin and Sakura's friend-relationship! Balin and Dwalin! Arwen's own character growth! ️ You did such a wonderful job with this story. I fell in love with the Hobbit crew all over again! Thank you for writing this story and sharing it. It was a dream to read. You're a talent writer too! Kudos and thanks again! I'd love to read a squeal! ️️️️
Dragon Man 180 chapter 43 . 12/2/2017
I can't help but imagine if Sakura had arrived in ME and had to get the Ring to Mount Doom ASAP, I can just imagine a trail of orcs with slit throats stuffed into nooks and crannies as she sneaks her way across Mordor. Still, this is a major departure from the timeline, I really want to see what happens when Sauron tries to start a war with Arnor reestablished and a greater alliance between the Free Peoples.
Dragon Man 180 chapter 42 . 11/20/2017
Nice wrap up, very emotional and Sakura's leaping across a whole room to tackle glomp and kiss Bilbo will have Bree telling stories of flying hobbits for years.
Tibblets chapter 42 . 11/20/2017
The Nazgul were attracted to the ring in the books, but only at fairly close range. Sauron sent them to the Shire when he found out about it, rather than someone less conspicuous, because 1.)they could feel the ring's presence and it would be harder to hide it , 2.)they were relentless hunters, and 3.)they were the only servants that he could trust would actually give it back to him if they recovered it. It certainly wasn't for stealth, the Nazgul didn't do stealth, in fact they stood out like a sore thumb wherever they were. Sauron did indeed find out about the ring from Gollum, but, with him dead in your 'verse, things will be interesting in the sequel (hint, hint...). I wonder how he will find out...
Dragon Man 180 chapter 41 . 11/13/2017
Poor Smeagol, but a better passing than he got in canon. Still, will the Nazgul be able to track the Ring to the Shire if Sakura just puts it in a box somewhere and never wears it? I can just picture all nine nazgul riding around aimlessly and the Witch King getting ready to kill the ones who start asking, "Are we there yet?" "Where are we going?" "Are you holding the map right side up?" etc.

And as for Beorn, I can actually picture him in bear form just charging around Mirkwood and Long Lake to join the battle. Not much will mess with a bear that size and with a good bit of speed built up.
Akane Mosoa chapter 38 . 11/9/2017
From one to the next you have Thorin weiding Glamdring instead of Gandalf, then you have him wielding Orcrist. How did he get it back from Legolas.
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