Reviews for Five Stages
kattfan12001 chapter 6 . 6/5/2017
Beautifully done. Love every chapter.
wikkitty08 chapter 6 . 9/28/2015
I have a huge exam tomorrow, so I don't even know why I started this fic tonight, but once I started it was over for me. I can't possibly study with a newly broken heart, but I'll do my best. That was a beautiful story and I don't regret it in the least. Thanks for writing it *shaky smile*
Allytsuki chapter 6 . 6/7/2015
Thank you very much! Now I am crying!

Nico Deh chapter 6 . 5/10/2015
I cried reading the whole thing. This story is just so beautiful! I loved it!
Fuu chapter 6 . 5/3/2015
So cool. Sweet. Painful. Nice.

Good job. _
laila45 chapter 5 . 2/17/2015
Thank you for writing this .
I don't on what stage I am though ,because I always mess up the plans and change perspective every few minutes .I guess I just have it all .
I felt the story .
Take care and good luck!
lancecomwar chapter 4 . 2/1/2015
Well that was a nice read. Never really shipped those two but it was still really good. Must suck to ship them and have one for without any canon hints there was more than that.

Looking forward to her finally accepting it though
Aquarius Galuxy chapter 3 . 12/29/2014
awwww I really enjoyed this chapter! love the hilarity with all the technology stuff - it's lovely to see them coming into play here. :P also love the detail about Tenten trying to bring some form of Neji's memory back (and I wish she could have), but I do see how she's been bargaining/avoiding moving on.. Gai is very appropriate as a plot device here - I never actually thought about why he didn't get a replacement arm :o
Even so, telling people about Neji can't possibly fill the gaps in, can it? :( Poor Tenten. The Edo Tensei puppets did retain their memories/characters though - would that have been good enough? I can imagine that only Tenten would be happy with that though. :(
Thank you for the update!
Perentie Fan chapter 3 . 12/29/2014
I really like what you're doing here, though I am not so sure if Gai would have refused techniques that would let him walk again. I mean he supported Lee going through a experimental surgery to allow him to recover. I prefer to believe that using the eighth gate simply took too high a toll for even Naruto's six paths powers to fix, that it damaged Gai's body/chakra network in such a way that even if he got a new leg that leg wouldn't work properly. Course it could be true that Gai simply views the 8th gate as something that is supposed to kill you, and it would be somehow wrong to ask for more than to survive it.

I can see Tenten being bitter about not being allowed to look into resurrection techniques too. The manga itself glossed over how each edo tensei came about through the sacrifice of someone's life (mostly because almost all the sacrifices were unnamed), and coming back to life allowed for so many past issues to be resolved to some degree (Itachi being finally truthful with Sasuke, Gaara's father revealing the truth, Naruto getting more time with his father). Though to be fair it was repeatedly emphasized that the edo tenseis were unnatural existences that needed to be laid to rest as soon as possible.

One does wonder if a technique like what the sage of six paths used to summon Naruto and company out of Kaguya's realm might allow brief contact with deceased people. That is he called up previous kage from the afterlife to assist him. It seemed safe, if difficult, though of course it may be that even if Sasuke and Naruto combined their abilities they couldn't do the same thing.

On a last note though, having actual proof an afterlife exists could be of some comfort to Tenten in future chapters. That is at least she knows she will see Neji again someday in some sense. Maybe Kakasho should talk with her, since he got a brief look at the afterlife (or rather the limbo world that seems to exist before it, where his father was stuck due to his unresolved feelings).
CookieDemon212 chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
I'm loving your story. Naruto might not have tact but he has talk no Jutsu on his side. That'll help him when he becomes hokage.
I also like how tenten ended up admitting to gai of all people. She's struggling and I hope she somehow copes and gets better. :) can't wait to see where you take this.
Fruits chapter 2 . 12/6/2014
Very great story! I am overwhelmed by the amount of emotions that sparked when I read this chapter. Tenten's anger and confusion... her sudden recklessness... just whoa! Man, I almost teared up! Good job, very very wonderful job! Hope to read more from you!
Rose Tiger chapter 2 . 12/3/2014
Poor Tenten.
Aquarius Galuxy chapter 2 . 12/2/2014
That was cute! I liked your take on Tenten overcoming her emotions, and how Naruto helped her with it :P looking forward to the next part!
forever - a i n e chapter 2 . 12/2/2014
The Five Stages of Grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Is it just me, or is there some reflection of this in your story's structure?

I think you've portrayed Tenten and her grief very realistically, very well. Good job!
Aquarius Galuxy chapter 1 . 11/16/2014
First thing first - you might like to add characters to the properties of this story - under 'manage stories', 'properties', there should be a form for you to label this piece with neji and tenten so fans can find this story ;) (I bookmarked my Neji and Tenten filter on FFN, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other fans do as well)

not bad for a first fanfic! Very real emotions, thank you for great grammar and formatting ;)

Just a suggestion - when you wrote "Tenten donned her signature white blouse as she raced out the door" made me wonder if she had pants on lol :P Looking forward to more from you!