Reviews for Armor of the Gods
Buffainiac chapter 32 . 11/13/2019
omg pleeeeease write more im hooked.
KitsuneNaru chapter 32 . 7/6/2019
Such a wonderful story. So sad it's not updated anymore. :(
TonyDeservesLove chapter 32 . 12/12/2018
It's been yeeeears! Come back this story is amazing but it needs to keep going till the end!
EverHelvetica chapter 32 . 1/22/2018
Please come back to this, I NEED it, i read nothing but this for two days, I lovvvvee it, if you could pm and let me know the status of this story that would be great
purplepintopaint chapter 32 . 7/24/2017
Oh my god please continue the world and story toub have created fascinates me to no end
neeneebean chapter 32 . 7/19/2016
It's almost been a year!
icecatfire chapter 31 . 2/20/2016
"loki purred into his neck"
lucky BITCH. *talking to/about tony* ;-; having loki purr into his neck like that. T-T
kunai909 chapter 32 . 11/8/2015
November is here and I want more of ur story so plz update
Rin-s666 chapter 32 . 8/23/2015
Great new chapter :)
noda9912 chapter 12 . 8/17/2015
I've reread this story so many times already, and i think i reviewed on some other chapter, but honestly i can't get over how real this story sounds.
This chapter is also one of my favorites, any time Loki and Tony get closer to each other i love it.
I can't wait for chapter 33. Love this story and your writing style.
Guess i should also add a thumbs up to your beta-reader for the story quality. Amazing
Danneyland chapter 32 . 8/17/2015
Heh. Not for one second did I forget that the dwarf was in the room with them - so when Tony finally came to his senses and kicked the little eavesdropping bugger out, it was with a bit of chagrin.

Have fun writing your thesis! I don't envy you! Lol :)
kunai909 chapter 32 . 8/16/2015
Just when I saw the update I was overjoyed but u r killing me with clift hangers and now I'm now increadably frustrated
Ur going to make me lose sleep wondering how Loki is gonna react to the question!
Again u and clift hangers, ahhgggggggggggggggg!

Ur loyal reader,

P.S. I hope u do well on ur thesis and I will patiently wait for the next update.
Thx for writing and it's really appreciated that you share ur writing to the world.
Danneyland chapter 31 . 6/25/2015
Hey, the way things are going, I might even get a birthday chapter! Though it's in the middle of the week, and not near the weekend, so it's be a few days early or late, but still ... reading well-written FrostIron on any day is always a plus.

A heart-to-heart, a business deal, and then some sex. What a chapter! :)

Oh dear, I've just realized, we're not that far off from the "final battle", are we? Tony and Loki will just barely finish the armour in time, realize that for whatever reason they have to get back to Earth quickly, maybe catch up with other Avengers (or some of them, it kinda depends), and then fight Hydra (or was it AIM? I forget ...) and the Other and Thanos and maybe other baddies, until it's all over and then we get to see the "was he really in love with him? What were they going to do now, now that Loki is still wanted on Asgard and Tony's mortal and stuffs?" And then the wrapping up of loose ends (at least I hope. Loose ends are the worst) and then ... THE END.
... Now, how close was I? Close enough, I'd like to think ...
kunai909 chapter 31 . 6/23/2015
This made my day!
I have been looking forward to this all week and I just love LOVE the way you write Tony and Loki's interaction and the way the dwarfs are handled
I can't wait for the next chapter and would love to see a little side story where you went into detail how the dwarfs get into as you put it "nerdgasm"
Again thx for the awesome update
Danneyland chapter 30 . 6/14/2015
Hahaha, love it! I admit I laughed out loud when the roast came. Enjoyed it immensely.

I have a feeling that the dwarves aren't as knowledgable into the whole science side of things, regarding atoms and the chemical makeup of the different metals and elements. They know what is and isn't possible (to an extent), and they know what does work and what doesn't work. But they don't know WHY or HOW it works, at least not to the extent that humans have researched. Which is why they were as interested as they were when Tony was explaining things.

Looking forward to the next update!
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