Reviews for Yours Sincerely
myunique-username chapter 2 . 1/3/2017
I should have known from the other reviews and the description that this would make me cry, but I didn't listen. a mistake. this was absolutely beautiful.
VibrantVenus chapter 2 . 6/23/2016
I am sitting here bawling. I hope you are quite pleased with yourself.
wholock.hok chapter 1 . 11/17/2015
Wow that was just brilliant. I literally cried at the end. I love your writing!
azkabcn chapter 2 . 9/23/2015
No! This is so tragically sweet, yet just so horrifying (in a good way, I promise) because Sherlock... you twisted my mind. You made me believe he was dead. You made me believe he was fucking dead. But then at the end you brought him back. You showed me there's still hope for him and John to reunite. There's still hope for everything to be OK. And I can't love you enough for that (not trying to be creepy, I swear). But thank you. I'm really looking forward to the last part of this beautiful trilogy. This is brilliant.
CiCi98 chapter 2 . 6/16/2015
I don't know if you've gotten this often, but I realized as I was rereading this that we haven't gotten part three yet. I don't mean to be a bother; I was merely wondering if it would be up anytime soon?
TheWhoLockedSupernaturalist chapter 2 . 3/15/2015
I actually cried. Please, please put up the next part!
Cyn2K chapter 2 . 2/27/2015
This was lovely and heartbreaking. Are you going to let them finally have their reunion?
Grace chapter 2 . 2/8/2015
Brilliant. Brilliant and beautiful and heartbreaking and true and the first story on this website that actually made me cry. So bitter sweet and sad and deep and emotional and just so perfect. Thank you :)
sherlockshockblanket chapter 2 . 1/18/2015
And now I really am crying, but not too pathetically, I would like to tell myself. Please update this.
sherlockshockblanket chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
Gosh, you're making me cry.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/9/2014
This... I'm tearing up and OMG this was beautiful... :')
MGKaller chapter 2 . 11/29/2014
Majix.Trixx chapter 2 . 11/29/2014
What have you done Q.Q oh my god, my heart. Its just.. sitting there, bleeding out from the sheer amount of feels that have been inflicted upon it.

Anyway! I love it! I sometimes forget that John is a writer and he possesses the ability to convey so SO much through his words. You did an incredible job. The metaphors and the comparisons and the sheer emotion you pulled from John Watson was exceedingly beautiful, and so utterly believable that it just.. it all fit so comfortably into place.

I loved that tidbit at the end that separated itself from the letters and let all of us know that Sherlock was indeed alive and that Mycroft is pushing him home to John. You've done an excellent job and I don't think I could be any more excited for their final segment if I tried.

Happy writings, I can't wait for your update.
MelodyOfSong526 chapter 1 . 11/27/2014

Reads just as a love letter (not that I've had experience with those before). Beautifully written.

The experiences that Sherlock recounts are believable. The condition under which it is to be delivered is also believable (and quite heartbreaking). The tone...some of it sounds like the incredibly brilliant mind of Sherlock, but a big chunk of it is reminiscent of Benedict. Two very different people. Though, it IS a love letter, and considering the reason as to why he is writing's understandable.

That last bit with John reading the heart just shattered. You did not go into detail about how he received it, nor did you need to. Three sentences conveyed everything necessary.

Beautiful work!
Majix.Trixx chapter 1 . 11/26/2014
Very lovely. You had excellent vocabulary, a wonderful sense of characterization, and your words flowed beautifully. I often imagine Sherlock as a bit of a hidden romantic, and you did really great things with that perception of his personality.

I'm almost assuming that this was meant to be a one shot, especially since John was reading the Letter and Sherlock specifically told him that it would only be delivered if something terrible happened to him. However, I would like to think that, perhaps, Mycroft knew more about his brother than he let on and he delivered the Letter to John regardless of the situations Sherlock found himself in.

I really hope that you choose to write another chapter, even if it's only one or two. This piece has the potential to become even greater than it already is, especially with a writer such as yourself at its back.
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