Reviews for The Trial and Judgement of Malcolm Merlyn
Bloodsong 13T chapter 21 . 5/20
it's good to see somebody take on the question 'what about the group?' the 'silent partners' i like to call them. we all know what happened with chen, and moira and malcolm... but then then the rest just sort of disappear from the show.

it was interesting to see oliver's thoughts in this. he's been quite schitzophrenic in this story, so his motivations are murky at times. for now, he seems... on track.

i like how pierce's confrontation with malcolm is almost a mirror of malcolm staying behind to talk to robert, in that flashback scene. (i know you know the one ;) ) now malcolm is on the other side. masterfully done :)
mjf2468 chapter 20 . 6/30/2019
This description may be dumb but besides this chapter being great as always it felt...nice. And comfortable. I especially loved his time with Thea!

And I wouldn't go into detail here but I find myself in a similar lonely situation as Malcolm, but for different reasons (of course). Nice when a story can bring some comfort, whatever it may be. I'm trying to say - you described his loneliness especially well.

Again I hope you're doing well, and so very happy you saw Barrowman in concert. WOW!
Bloodsong 13T chapter 20 . 6/26/2019
congratulations on getting this one done!

they say 'it must be lonely at the top' and i think that is especially true for malcolm. he can't have a lot of people he trusts in his life. so much money, so much power, makes him a target. false friends who want favors, competitors who want to tear him down, to beat him out, to win over him. employees who want to kiss up and get promotions.

let's not forget his clandestine life, either. people who know about his 'illegal' activities, who could have an opportunity to blackmail him, if they get evidence (and can stay alive :X). those 'associates' of his... not friends, not employees. their own kind of dangerous persons. weapons dealers and the like. people without scruples, so it is easy to get things without them asking too many questions, as long as you have the money. but those people aren't exactly trustworthy friends, either.

he's managed to alienate (or flat out kill :X) his friends, his family. now a new family member he didn't even know about, but he's forbidden to become friends with her, as well.
mjf2468 chapter 19 . 5/16/2019
You are definitely persuading me to see Malcolm as the hero and Oliver as the villain in this, ha! Especially loved Malcolm's conversations with Felicity and with Tommy.

Sorry you've been experiencing health problems. Hope they're getting better. I've missed this story.
mjf2468 chapter 16 . 1/8/2019
I have to admit I LOL'd at the end. I can just imagine the scene with Oliver "I'm no jealous" Queen. I love how Malcolm is taking care of Felicity and their growing friendship, as well as between her and Emily.
mjf2468 chapter 17 . 1/8/2019
I liked how Felicity was able to take Oliver by surprise and that she's learning quickly. I love how you're writing Felicity, feisty but a little more confident.
mjf2468 chapter 18 . 1/8/2019
Yes, I too was very pleasantly surprised by both Malcolm's knowledge of movies AND computers. Well done. ( I haven't heard of the movie). Oliver hung over and then joking about going to the movies with Malcolm, very funny.
Bloodsong 13T chapter 18 . 1/7/2019
well, that was a rush!

and, the plot thickens! hmm... i think i know that guy ;D

malcolm better watch his mouth around reporters. they're good at quoting people out of context and making them look bad... and controlling public opinion... that's okay. he has witnesses.
mjf2468 chapter 15 . 12/8/2018
Interesting, this. Felicity is definitely suffering from PTSD. Possibly switching her loyalties from Oliver to Malcolm. And this Rouche. I forget is he an original character? I forget. Great and exciting action, great chapter.
Bloodsong 13T chapter 14 . 11/18/2018
that is what guilt is like.
who can decide when you've made up for what you've done? when you've repaid your debts? it can be a never-ending struggle.

is the second to last paragraph taken from a song? i seem to remember a malcolm/moira video and i think that was the name of the song 'your forgiveness.' :)
Bloodsong 13T chapter 13 . 11/18/2018
i like the pace and tone of this short chapter. it didn't rush around and try to do this, do that, do this, do the next thing. malcolm had some time for introspection, and some quiet work.

and the part about moira had some time to delve into the past, explore what's going on in the corporate world (but not so much as to be boring), and progress through malcolm and moira's relationship as it is now.

as i also mentioned, you really captured moira's voice here. and made me realize how much i miss her.
mjf2468 chapter 14 . 11/16/2018
Poor Malcolm. This entire story has felt like a roller coaster for me, grin. Redemption has been a long and winding road for him. I can't wait to see what happens next. I'm sorry RL has been so difficult for you. I hope it's gotten better!
mjf2468 chapter 13 . 11/16/2018
Very interesting chapter! Interesting that Moira found herself eing attracted to both tittilates and disgusts me, ha. Love how you keep showing Malcolm's good side in the midst of his underlying evilness.
mjf2468 chapter 11 . 7/27/2018
Entertaining as always, somewhat confusing as me on my toes. I liked how real life took after the movie.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/9/2018
Please update! So looking forward to seeing more.
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