Reviews for My Kingdom Come
dicacrior chapter 22 . 5/6/2018
Es un fic espectacular! Espero realmente puedas actualizar más temprano que tarde.
Tsukimine12 chapter 22 . 1/1/2017
Mmmmoooooore please! It's just too amazing not to continue it
...Happy New year, by the way :D
Jonnie Joke chapter 8 . 12/6/2016
i've read so many before about the "talk of his past" that Vegeta would have with Trunks, and this is probably the BEST i've ever read. So much emotions, the ending is just too cute I can't stop myself from awwwwww
Pie 555 chapter 11 . 11/20/2016
Good chapter as always.

But a spelling error in the second to last paragraph. You typed 'demis' when it's 'diminish' lol. You got to look out for those things! Lol
Pie 555 chapter 8 . 11/20/2016
Tears came to me this chapter. I truly believe you OWN the genre of Dragonball Romance. You know, I WISH I was this good. Cause i'm a pretty romantic guy and...hey They say Imitation is the best form of Flattery and Il try to imitate you, but I wont ever be able to re create how SPECIAL you made that Vegeta/Trunks scene.

Thank you and keep up the goodwork
Pie 555 chapter 6 . 11/19/2016
The love making real makes this story something so much more. The way you write it makes it even more special.

But I cant lie. Im a Horney S.O.B and damn do I want it to be more...naughty. xD

Hey Maybe if Im lucky we can get some 'Special Chapters' hehe
Min's awesomeness chapter 22 . 5/17/2016
Hope you continue this! Cant wait for more :)
sky d chapter 22 . 1/25/2016
Great chapter.
smithback chapter 22 . 1/17/2016
Marorin5 chapter 22 . 1/19/2016
Great chapter as always!

It's nice to see Vegeta feels responsible for his mother and brother - it's nice to see them interact and I can't wait to see Vegeta and Tarble have a conversation. I'm hoping Zeleria will hear Goku's advice and go talk to Vegeta when she's ready, but she's a stubborn woman, so who knows?

I must say I can't wait to see Goku giving Gohan THE TALK! Like, oh my God, that's gonna be just great! XD

Yay for Piccolo and Lynn! It's still really strange to me to think of Piccolo with a girlfriend, but I love Lynn so... whatever, they're cute together. :)

Update soon!
LVR4Trunks-n-Vegeta chapter 22 . 1/18/2016
Well atleast Vegeta is trying to get to know his mother and Tarble. Now it's up to Ria to decide whether she wants to get to know Vegeta. LMAO Chichi asking Goku to give Gohan the talk. I'd like to see the face on both Goku and Gohan's faces when he does. Oh yes finally Piccolo and Lynn finally get to have an uninterrupted intimate moment. Hmm are Gohan and Videl gonna an intimate moment also? I wonder if Piccolo could put Lynn in the time chamber when those people come there? Bulma, Chichi, and Videl could go in there also that way they would be safe. Update again soon
Pamgie chapter 22 . 1/18/2016
OMG! Great chapter. I never thought of Piccolo this way, but I have to say this relationship between him and Lynn is great!
Nirvash77 chapter 22 . 1/17/2016
Damn. Amazing chapter, especially on our Namekian friend.
fangurlsrule chapter 22 . 1/17/2016
So Piccolo and lynn finally got in on the sexy times, I was wondering when that would happen. They really are a cute couple.
I like that vegeta is willing to give tarble a chance considering he really doesn't like ria. Maybe ria will give vegeta a chance. I truly do not understand ria's reasoning for being pissed at vegeta. As tarble pointed out it wasnt her he never returned the letters to.
SereStarOfGaea chapter 22 . 1/17/2016
O definitely like that you put different points of view on the chapter.. And goku having smart moments is a definitely favorite to me. But Bulma and vegeta are by far my favorites. I'm thinking that somehow Ria is going to find out the truth and is going to be mad, more to herself than anything.. What I truly see is vegeta feeling abandoned by his mother and that cause a little resentment towards his brother and sister.. He had Bulma now so I think that's what made him a little more open to them. Piccolo and Lynn it was so sweet how they got to experience their first Tina, but now I'm guessing she will be pregnant if she doesn't talk to Bulma soon and get some sort of alien protection Hahaha
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