Reviews for Lost
lalalei chapter 1 . 1/27/2019
Oh, wow, I never thought about Delia learning of the crash! D:
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 3 . 4/19/2016
Ash probably "is" horrified in that situation.
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 2 . 2/18/2016
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 1 . 1/16/2016
Merciful oblivion?
Shadow fox rose chapter 6 . 12/31/2013
nice job with the had me sad throughout the story.i am happy that the families has their happy ending. i always wonder how they react to ash and his friend death so called death.i hope one day you decide to do the other families and geovani pov see you soon
Autumn Artist chapter 6 . 6/4/2013
I cannot tell you how much I adore this story.
This is one of the first stories I read on FanFiction way back when, and it is still one of my most absolute favorites to this day.
Thank you for writing this and posting (and keeping) it on here:)!
Rachel chapter 6 . 5/29/2004
Nice fic. I'd like to hear more from you :)
PikaSass chapter 6 . 12/12/2002
Awesome. Great way to wrap it up. But God, you nearly had the waterworks going for me at the memorial service, could just picture it all and...yeah I'm being emotional again, haha! Great fic, keep up your great work!
Barbara LeMaster chapter 6 . 12/8/2002
This was a beautifully written character study of Delia. Chapter 4 is probably my favorite because I can relate to her feelings for her missing son; it's how I would react if I were in her shoes.

There are so many unexplored avenues in the Pokemon world and I thank you as a reader for taking us down this avenue. It was a terrific story, Holly.
32-bit Mandarin Orange chapter 6 . 12/6/2002
hurry up and write the chapter on samuel's POV! WHEE! i loved this story soooooo so so so so much! Giovonni's such a moron...grr...

But my favorite part was when delia told him to hold her _ it was so sweet!
BenRG chapter 6 . 12/5/2002
Well, Giovanni is going to have a big surprise... Probably an unpleasent one when he realises that Jessie and James are still alive! XD Will he respond to Ash differently? I doubt it. If he had a hint of humanity left in the blackened scar that passes for his soul, I think it couldn't be touched by a child he never knew.

So, next is Sam's POV? Well, that should be interesting to read. You generally write him fairly in-character.

BenRG's Overall Rating (Part 1): 7/10
LTW chapter 6 . 12/5/2002
Awwww... the little brothers and sisters are so aggressively cute! ;_; And everything turned out sort of okay. Except we still have that pressing concern about Gio... *sings omnious theme* He's going to find out Ash is still alive, seems like... and if you get bored enough for another challenge, it might be kind of interesting to see how the heck he's going to react to that. (Not that you ever have a problem coming up with story ideas anyway! ;;;) Yay! That was a good fic, and next we get Sam... *_* *does the Can't Wait for a Sam POV dance*
Blackjack Gabbiani chapter 6 . 12/4/2002
*sniffle* Lovely.
Flower chapter 6 . 12/4/2002
Yah! *does cartwheels around the room* Yah! Goodie! *huggles* Yah! *can't seem to come up with other words to express how much she liked this story* YAH!
Loon Of The Fruits chapter 6 . 12/4/2002
Awwwwwwww...that was so good, I'm glad they found out everyone was okay so quickly after the funeral. I really liked this!

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