Reviews for What Happened at Weston
Yuyake no Okami chapter 1 . 4/28/2015
I love it
(and when he finally decided to make his move he discovered that she wasn't maybe as female as he thought her to be... Sorry, had to XD)
Vidgealz C Valvatore chapter 1 . 1/4/2015
I hope this isn't a one-shot. This is too awesome to be a one-shot. If this is a multiple chapter story, please update soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
I don't normally go for SebaGrell but you made this AU entirely believable. You made me like them as the main pairing in this story. And for that, I must say well done. Not to mention that the story idea was what called my attention, but your writing style that had me hooked.
Truly a job well done. Shall I salute you?