Reviews for Evolving Bonds
InfinityYellow213 chapter 1 . 12/9/2014
This was really cute. Good job!
skullanddog chapter 1 . 12/6/2014
Nicely done! I'd love to see a battle between Wally and Steven. And I'm with you - Steven's great :D
Guest1267 chapter 1 . 12/3/2014
AWESOME! I don't know how to describe this masterpiece! It was so well written and I rly rly rly enjoyed it! I like how Wally and Steven have been presented and the conversation between them wasn't rushed either. Not many people can write like this ya know. You're not the only Steven fan!;)
I would really like a sequel actually. I'm sure I'll like that battle between Steven and Wally.
Keep writin' and you'll get even better!:)
mysteryreader6626 chapter 1 . 12/2/2014
To a sequel, and good jobs! The last line doesn't have the same affect on me since I have never played diamond and pearl, so yeah.
RageCandyBars chapter 1 . 12/2/2014
*ahem* Calming down now.
Like I said, it was really amazing. I think you've got Steven's somewhat no-nonsense but still kind personality down (I'm still working on that, ehe). I also absolutely love the whole gender fiasco. That was HILARIOUS. In any case, Wally also felt in-character, right down to the "make-Zoro-chan-want-to-hug-him-through-the-screen" aspects of his personality. And I like the camaraderie between him and Kirlia/Gallade.
I do have to say that I think you could benefit from a little more description. In a few parts, it just sort of feels like we're being told what's happening, rather than being shown. But, of course, it's by no means a fatal flaw; I DID say that the story's amazing, and that's because it's amazing.
If you do make a sequel, I'll be off to read it before you can say " Zoro-chan is a nerd with no social life," or any other true statements like it! Thanks for writing, Oneechan!

Don't forget to be awesome,