Reviews for Cast Iron Hearts
Roxhall1 chapter 2 . 9/1/2019
do you have more chapters for these stories? i absolutely LOVE your stories! just one wishthat they were a little longer
encantress03 chapter 2 . 7/15/2018
Is there anymore if do plz update
IJustWannaReadEpicStories chapter 1 . 6/19/2018
where is the rest?
JujuFr0st chapter 2 . 2/4/2018
Please finish
rebeccaharris chapter 2 . 4/5/2017
please update
Steph A15 chapter 2 . 10/24/2016
I just finished this story on your WordPress acount it was Amazing. You are an incredible writer and I cant wait to read more of your work.
Brookie Twiling chapter 2 . 8/29/2016
Hi- Loving this story, and all your others, but I got a problem- I've tried accessing your stories on the Wordpress website but not all of the crossovers on here are avalible on there so I was just wanting to know why cause' I would love to finish these epic stories I've read but can't finish.
Thanks for reading- loving your stories,
Dramamomma19 chapter 2 . 12/31/2015
I love it and so want more of the action. Please let me know.
The all mighty and powerfulM chapter 1 . 10/26/2015
GrazySF chapter 6 . 7/21/2015
Sometimes Tony looks like a child. lol

I loved what Tony did to Edward. That asshole deserved. In fact, he deserved worse.

I do not believe this Pepper bitch had the nerve to show up at Tony's house like that! Acting as if she owned. Slut!

And it appears more an enemy! Why do I have the feeling that Ivan is not going to leave it?

I wanted to hit these cops ! Seriously ! That assholes! And Pepper too! That bitch deserves!

Own ! Tony loves Bella ! How cute!

Bella giving a moral lesson in these assholes employees. Go Bella !

Jarvis is not equipped to fuck himself. hahaha Tony needs to fix it! lol
GrazySF chapter 5 . 7/20/2015
Paris ? Wow ! So romantic !

Own ! Tony increasingly cute !

Bella proving that she is the right woman for Tony. I loved the way she handled the situation with the arc reactor.

And I love how Tony is affected by Bella. "With her he was free." I love it!
GrazySF chapter 4 . 7/20/2015
Poor Bella! It is all muddled. She let the nervousness get in her way. I have to say it's very funny. I gave a good laugh with the situations where Bella got herself.

And what's with these idiots of the company, saying that Bella is not Pepper ? A bunch of assholes.

Tony scared me for a moment! I really thought he was upset with Bella.

Damn! Victoria appears again! That bitch! She should have died along with James.

And Captain America comes to the rescue !

Tony jealous ! How cute! Even being at the wrong time! And he should not get upset with himself! The charitable parties are a must for someone like him. And he had no way of knowing that Bella was in danger. It's not his fault!

I think now things between them will become more serious! I hope so! I'm loving this couple! They are a beautiful couple.
kantorkan chapter 26 . 7/19/2015
The only smart one in the .America is a dick.
kantorkan chapter 24 . 7/19/2015
If i didn't know better i would believe the Captain is a coward and a dickhead to boot.i know back in his day women were more like property,but he has been in the modern time long enough to learn things aren't like that any more.
kantorkan chapter 17 . 7/18/2015
Bad enough all of crap she has gone through,then there is then likely she has more crap she will be seeing.
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