Reviews for Have I Gone Mad?
wannabnyota chapter 3 . 8/25
I think you are doing an excellent job!
itsaboutonlyme chapter 9 . 2/6
I know you wrote this a billion years ago, but I'm just finding it. This was so moving, so beautiful! I loved every moment.
Bamonforever chapter 9 . 7/14/2019
I loved this, seeing Elana being put in her place finally was the best part.
I am glad Caroline remained true, I love that blond vampire.

The perfect ending for them all.
You are an awesome writer.
babekitt chapter 9 . 8/10/2018
This was such a good story. I cried when Damon held Bonnie as she died. I cried at the Baroline goodbye and I am happy to know that there is a sequel. Thank you.
babekitt chapter 8 . 8/10/2018
Bonnie is a whole angel and Im loving it. So glad, she didnt help Jeremy and dismissed Elena. Finally!.
babekitt chapter 7 . 8/9/2018
Man I hope Bonnie gets better so she can kick Elena's butt. Damon stepping for Bonnie lifted me. Caroline threatening Elena was the best.
babekitt chapter 6 . 8/9/2018
I am so over whiny Jeremy. I know your feelings are hurt but Bonnie doesn't need this right now. The Gilberts are a selfish bunch.
babekitt chapter 5 . 8/9/2018
They are this. This new thing. This doesn't need to be explained. This just works.
babekitt chapter 4 . 8/7/2018
I like that Bonnie was able to conjure up blood for Damon. I hope she reaches out to her magic to help heal her broken spirit as well as sticking close to Damon. He is being so good to her right now and it says a lot for him not to leave her for a moment. Not event to feed. Man that is strong
babekitt chapter 3 . 8/7/2018
Wow. That last part did me in. He cares and he doesnt care about what the others will think. He justs wants to be there for Bonne. My poor Bonnie is going through so much.
babekitt chapter 2 . 8/7/2018
Nice. I like Caroline's threat to Elena. Damon's POV was touching. I hope he lives up to his promise and will be there for Bonnie from now on.
babekitt chapter 1 . 8/6/2018
How I missed this story I will never know. Finally, someone is there comforting Bonnie and I love it.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/31/2018
JustStockton chapter 8 . 7/31/2018
Not sure if i reviewed this or not but this had me in tears. TEARS! throwing my shoe at you. You're such a beautiful, amazing writer. This was EVERYTHING!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/30/2018
Loving it! Keep it coming
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