Reviews for Warframe: Faith
Crazy Redwood chapter 20 . 1/31/2018
Another fantastic story! Great job making the crossover believable!
006Sam chapter 17 . 4/13/2017
ok this is just so stupid . why cant that red spacemarine make a mistake and get killed to make up for it? it would make so much more sense than all this retarded possession shit -.- Also the Emperor is not perfect and no god...
Axcel chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
You know the Emperor was Atheist, right? Or at least, he promoted atheism in an attempt to starve the Dark Gods. It failed, of course, since they feed off of emotion, not worship. He really should have realized that, given their existence clearly predates religion.

I wonder if he had a religion? He was Jesus and Mohammed, so maybe he simply believed in an Almighty God and didn't really care for details? Hmmm, well, either way, he made it a capital offense to worship him (worship of the Emperor, I mean), so I highly doubt he'd call serving some king or queen or whatever "heresy".
Axcel chapter 20 . 4/25/2015
Pfft, please. Horus, below Abaddon? Hell no. Besides, Horus's final moments before the Emperor's power destroyed him shows that he was being possessed and wasn't actually a traitor per-say. At the very least, he threw off Chaos in his last moments.
Axcel chapter 2 . 4/25/2015
Meh, I think the Tenno would consider the Imperium to be nothing more than humanity doing what is necessary to survive. Every wicked deed of the Imperium is shown in the lore to be brutally necessary. Which is used by GamesWorkshop to make things grimdark. As such, the Tenno would probably believe that helping the Imperium prevent such things from being necessary would result in the Imperium improving (which it would, even in fluff the Imperium is clearly aware of how terrible it is and wishes it were better).

The Imperium would not view the Tenno as non-human or half-human. Abhuman at worst, but they probably would see the Tenno as superhuman similar to the Space Marines (though, not held in the same esteem, obviously). As such, the Imperium would be willing to work with them. Also, since they come from the Dark Age of Technology, the Imperium and Mechanicus would likely treat them with deference and religious awe.
Tritan chapter 20 . 1/8/2015
Right, so one name stuck out to me here. Tarkus. I've only heard that name one other place, could you send a PM to the name on this review to say how you came up with that name? (Not meaning to be hostile, I find it really interesting actually. Also great story as per usual)
SpartanCommander chapter 2 . 12/30/2014
Considering how the Imperium is I don't think the Tenno would work with them.

Especially concerning the Tenno may not be pure humans and would likely be treated not that well...when you consider things the Tenno and Imperium would likely be very heated when it comes to a relationship.

(likely would consider the Tenno as courting chaos or as mutants.) Considering how they have established that the Legion of the Damned is considered officially as a chaos force even though they only fight the enemies of the Imperium even chaos. I drought either side would be very civil for long.
Guest chapter 19 . 12/20/2014
Have you ever thought of writing a straight up "video game mentality". You've hinted at it before, PUGs, the Tenno who said Karen was too slow, etc. playing it completely straight. How would these loud mouth, grinding all day, pros deal with the "noobs" they take in(for maximum culture shock, Karl's ways being trampled upon by super efficient pros of the "game")
Dilis Sapherox chapter 20 . 12/20/2014
Another amazing story man. You are one of the reasons I love Warframe. Keep it up.
MEleeSmasher chapter 20 . 12/20/2014
Do more Xovers. I think its safe to say that people enjoy a good Xover once a while.
Herald of the Apocalypse chapter 20 . 12/20/2014
I'm not going to lie, I was disappointed with this fic. I was hoping (and expecting) for a much larger conflict with the inclusion of the Imperium. Things just seemed to slow down midway through, and the characters just started to seem stale. That's just what it seemed like to me.
MEleeSmasher chapter 19 . 12/20/2014
You have got this done in a way I expected it to turn out. Awesome. Will we see more of Jane in the future stories you post out?
LordCommanderMilitant chapter 18 . 12/20/2014
Wow. You posted incredibly fast.

Your writing was also very good. The plot was difficult to follow in the middle, but I figured it out with each passing chapter, and it cleared up by the end.

Good job.
LordCommanderMilitant chapter 19 . 12/20/2014
I must protest the line about us wargamers never having contingency or backup plans.

I always have a backup plan. If you don't have one, your rear end will be handed to you 9 times out of 10. And if I really don't have an alternate way to succeed, make the parts that must succeed redundant. You must plan for any eventuality, anything the opponent might try or do. And if you can't counter a given case with the resources and offensive strategies you have laid out, then redesign your strategies and/or mitigate the effects of that case.

You better described RP'ers than wargamers with that observation. (and Horus is better described as a RP'er than a wargamer anyway.)
Skepsis Forever chapter 18 . 12/19/2014
I'll have to agree this is the chapter that saved the story. The deviation from Warhammer canon in character behavior, while understandable from the explanations, was becoming a bit too tedious. (I say this while ignoring the Emperor colluding with a filthy xeno.)
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