Reviews for Hope, To Vanquish Evil
MistressOfImladris chapter 1 . 3/18/2019
I'm so glad I found this story! Little Estel is the cutest thing ever. :D
AndurilofTolkien chapter 1 . 3/10/2017
aw :)
John Mitchell chapter 1 . 12/9/2014
I wish this wasn't a oneshot. Not many people really know about Elrond's sons and Estel. I can't tell you how nice it is to see another person's point of view. (Especially someone who is as talented about writing in character as you! ;P) I really, really loved it! What is your idea for the hobbit one? (Please do that one next?)
NirCele chapter 1 . 12/7/2014
I love it! It's the perfect between cuteness (I just adore Estel's little kid talk!), good parenting, and the eventual destiny of Aragorn. More than I could have asked for! Awesome how you just dropped these small things - like a brief mention of the twins visiting Mirkwood - that makes it seem more...*connected* to Middle Earth history. Elrohir and Elladan dealing with Estel is so, just, GREAT, I guess, since it's the founding of their relationship as brothers. Elrond dealing with his disobedience is amazing too! It's just all so...(trailing off here because I can't describe it and not going to try).
Terribly sorry it took so long to review! My grandmother's visiting for a few weeks and she took my sister and I on a day-long shopping trip! Frankly I get quite tired of shopping after more than an hour, but I loved spending time with her, so what could I do? ;-)
Glad you managed to get this written even though you were obviously very busy! It's great to know that you can spare time to write! X) Incredible writing, and can't wait to read more of your stories!