Reviews for Half-Assed Reality
IntrovertedRabbit chapter 48 . 11/15/2016
Aw! Hate to see you go! Anyway, hope your life becomes calm again.
AdreeBM chapter 46 . 8/10/2016
Am actually looking forward to this reboot c:
IntrovertedRabbit chapter 46 . 8/10/2016
ohhh~ Now I can imagine Subtract being a teddy bear with toothpicks on it. Not many doe~
Nagiiisa-san chapter 45 . 6/12/2016


IntrovertedRabbit chapter 45 . 6/12/2016
NOOO YOU BASTARRDDD *tries to lunge at you Strawberry stops me.* It's just a story STILL! Calm the hell down you crazy demon girl! ERGH YOURE LUCKY STRAWBERRY SAVED YOU.
! *stomps offStrawberry bows* haha sorry bout that. . . "
IntrovertedRabbit chapter 44 . 5/2/2016
Okay real review time. I just wanna tell Apple that if she loves Sub she shouldn't lie to him, even just a little. See Apple? I dun care about a lotta things so Imma huge liar. Also, idk why, but can I hug Apple and Sub?
IntrovertedRabbit chapter 44 . 5/2/2016
Hey look, I'm here early. Sorry if this wakes you up or we're just in different timezones or something, but it's 1 o'clock here and I can't sleep (Damn Walking Dead) so CHA EARLY REVIEW
IntrovertedRabbit chapter 42 . 4/21/2016
Um quick question, can I use subtract as one of the characters on my new fanfic. btw this is Simon, I changed my name
IntrovertedRabbit chapter 42 . 4/19/2016
no. No making me learn. You know I would've hugged you but now I just want to rub in your face the fact I didn't have homework this week
IntrovertedRabbit chapter 41 . 4/12/2016
IntrovertedRabbit chapter 41 . 3/20/2016
Yeelimso chapter 39 . 3/10/2016
Ok and dont worry I didnt post in a long time cause like u said school is messed up haha XD Just use the time you have now to make up for it
IntrovertedRabbit chapter 39 . 3/10/2016
I feel bad for you, tests this month? We have tests next month. Hang in there bro
TheSeiker chapter 40 . 2/29/2016
hello there I've been reading your story for quite a while now ,
i was waiting for chung to finally appear n join the gang to make myself known
i look forward to see more chapters am so hyped to see how the future adventures are going to turn out -'your number 1 anonymous fan'
Yeelimso chapter 40 . 2/25/2016
YAS Elesis lolol. She shouldce just stayed there and teased them more XD
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