Reviews for Twelve Long Months
Mekabella21 chapter 1 . 9/4/2016
The chemistry is there. Craig needs to open his eyes and let Clyde in.

So glad to see a Craig and Clyde story. I clicked on this super fast!
Yoichi-kun chapter 3 . 12/23/2014
The long awaited review
First of all thank you for not making Clyde a total idiot, to many people do that and I like this character so much it breaks my heart, so thank you.
It was interesting to see Kenny under a new light, even if he ended up hurting Craig. Poor Craig I feel for him, but you pictured really well how hard it can be to detach yourself from someone especially when you are in a relationship as crappy as it can be.

Then end was really cute, knowing that Clyde understand Craig so much and his willing to do anything for him is so sweet. They both deserved the love

Thank you very much for that rare Cryde story !
Profe chapter 3 . 12/22/2014
yeyyy *w* good endo
glad they got their stuff together mostly
cakewalking chapter 3 . 12/19/2014
Awesome ending (: the two of them seem to have their shit together for the most part. It was also nice to hear the other characters were doing well, too.
(Also yes to scruffy Clyde).
cakewalking chapter 2 . 12/19/2014
Craig was so freaking cute in this. I like seeing him more feminine and stuff like this. It's nice. I liked Clyde as the tough but sensitive guy, too. The sex scene was sweet, the way Craig asked Clyde to keep touching him. Awh. I feel like this is pretty much exactly how Craig would react post-sex, too. He was all over the place and clearly scared. I loved it aha.
Profe chapter 2 . 12/16/2014
good chapter ! update soooooon
nolotica chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
I really just want to start by saying /wow/ I am seriously so stoked that you've been writing Cryde. Clyde is such a little sweetheart in this, and is exactly the supportive friend that I imagine him to be. I love that even though he recognizes Craig as high-maintenance, he still sticks through it. Also, this is such an accurate depiction of a manipulative break up. I have a friend who is going through essentially the exact same thing as Craig and Kenny right now. Kenny's just trying to keep Craig wrapped up around his finger and that's exactly how it works. Kudos! I can't wait to read the rest of it!
Profe chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
clyde's thoughts lol
oh craiggu
cakewalking chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
I like seeing Craig as an emotional mess. All the tears.
Clyde's random pervy thoughts crack me up, but I feel bad that he's continuously insisting Craig won't feel the same way ): you don't know that, Clyde! Go get your man.
I wonder how Craig is going to move on from his relationship with Kenny with Kenny still hovering like that. Hopefully Clyde shows him there are better options.
I like how modest and in a way shy Craig is. It's pretty cute.
Bebe is pretty cool in this, too! I like that she's dating Kyle. I can totally see her being very dom in the bedroom with him haha.