Reviews for Convergence
Moniurek chapter 1 . 12/3/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 3/17/2016
fantastic! We missed you!
fangirlflails chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
I didnt know that I needed this until now.
delia84 chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
I completely understanding needing to write something as a release ... end of the year is upon us at my office, and things are batshit insane. (Pardon my French.) Writing (especially something like this!) is therapy. And reading is better. Woohoo!

I read the description and thought you were venturing into the bachelorette episode — the one where Brennan drunkenly declares her love for sex in the tub. Hehe. Still one of my favorite scenes from the newer seasons. (Should you get the urge to tackle what she's referencing, I'd be totally up for reading your take!)

You write M well — still a good storyline, and not tasteless. Nicely done.
mspteach chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
Just found this. That tub scene has always been in my top 10... now it is even hotter. I'm no where near a tub and I'm feeling all warm and ...
JenniferSheppard2 chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
Holy crap that was smokin' HOT! Not what I was expecting from you either, but VERY good!
WolfGirl1331 chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
That was brilliant! :-) It's been a while since I wrote any stories but whenever I do 90% of the time they inevitably become "Mmmy" (love that term by the way) so I completely understand the impulse! I hope you write more soon!
Becksbones chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
Well that was very um satisfying. You write M so well I hope you do it again. LOL

Merry Christmas,
absolutefaith chapter 1 . 12/17/2014
Yeah, I blushed too! Haha but loved it all the way! I totally imagine Bones leaving in the middle of the night amd Booth fighting to stay at her apartment.

And the way it ended, oh so sweet, and the "safer than dead" (or something like that, because I'm leaving a review with my phone and I can't go back to copy the exactly line), it got me.

Hope you did well in your final exam!

Bye now!
maraneo chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
Okay, definitely feeling good, too. Really like that Booth has never done it with anyone else, what's theirs is theirs, right? Hope your finals go well, thanks.
LondonLi chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
This was beautifully done. A great parallel to their original scene. Thanks for posting!
pinkmama1 chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
Very very nice and very sweet too. I loved it. On the other hand I don't remember reading anything you wrote and NOT loving it. LOL Merry Christmas.
stapes206 chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
Wow. I need a cigarette. . .
Julie SBXMomX chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
That was freaking excellent! Anyone on twitter knows after the tub/beer hat episode I was begging for FF stories on the tub & beer hat. This has exceeded any if my own day dreams.

Brennan's "I couldn't decide where to hit you" to her "the thought of marinating in a soup consisting of my own cast off epithelial cells…" to Booth's Reset Button ... His scheming to get her in the tub to the hold their breathe for 3 mins. down there memory ... All of thus was absolutely a bones fan dream!

Now if after exams (good luck by the way) you get inspired to bring this forward as to why Booth had to put at the top of Brennan's Xmas list was her very own beer hat because she hogs his so much that he never gets to use it. Of course it might be that because of all those tub and beer hat nights as to why when Brennan tries our her new hat with Booth as to why she had to change out her wine coolers for juice much to Booth's surprise. ;-)

Thanks again for making my Xmas with your wonderful story.
greeneyesCutie chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
Very well done!
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