Reviews for The Ten Year Paradox
corintios chapter 4 . 2/28/2019
Wow, I reallu liked your plot so far - it's a mix of original ideias and really great writing. You really write well, and I loved your style. Thank you for the story!
lime green lily chapter 4 . 10/17/2018
when you find an amazing fic but its incomplete with small chance of update and you weep.

but no, really, this is an amazing fic and i am utterly shooketh that this is the first time i read this. absolutely beautiful fanfic with an outstanding pacing.
Vongola10 chapter 4 . 10/15/2018
Please continue with your story
Guest chapter 2 . 10/23/2017
Now I kinda get the paradox a bit..just a teeny tiny bit, still a bit confused...
Guest chapter 1 . 10/23/2017
My brain has short-circuited. It doesn't have enough brain cells in the first place to follow the paradox. I was confused enough about the future as either being the past or the present and with at least three(or was it maybe just two?) persons(from the future, present(past?), and a parallel, all of the same(somewhat) person.
Vongola10 chapter 4 . 8/16/2017
please continue
Wolf'sVine chapter 4 . 8/10/2017
Uh, this is really interesting and unique and brilliant! Although, Tsuna seems to be unintentionally giving Yamamoto and his father the wrong idea of Iemitsu. Hey, where's Reborn in this universe? Will we be able to meet him? What about all of Tsuna's Guardians... uh, I mean their parallel selves? I like Byakuran's playful, darkly mischievous self too! I really hope that the Tsuna's Guardians and Reborn find him! And that Reborn won't kick him all across the universe! I also really hope that you continue on with this exceptional fic and I very much wish to read more! Though, I hope I didn't pressure you!
Visually Dreamer chapter 4 . 6/16/2017
This is getting really good. Please update soon!
PaperbagamdCats chapter 4 . 5/29/2017
I ask you this, when will you update?
Tobalerone chapter 4 . 4/8/2017
Love this! It's so much more plot-intense than the summary gives it credit for!
Will Tsuna harmonize with this world's version of his guardians? Or will he only get mildly close to him?
Holy fucking shit! Checker-face, that fuck, is gonna try to arcobaleno-ize Tsuna? (This is an expected turn and I fucking DIG IT) What about the current arcobaleno? Are they still around? You mentioned Lal, but she's not actually an arcobaleno. And this is a few years after when the arcobaleno-arc occurred in canon...
Woot! I'm LOVING the role Byakuran is playing! And I love that Tsuna is gonna reveal he's from an alternate timeline.
I also really like what you did with the heir trouble. Basically I love everything. Super dope.
Update soon please!
The Crownless Queen chapter 4 . 1/3/2017
Oh this is brilliant! I love your Tsuna in this, and Time/Dimension travel has always been one of my favorites so I'm really excited about yours. Poor Tsuna though - he really has the worst luck ever :p
I can't wait to read about the meeting with Iemitsu, and to see more of how you characterize him in this universe. It seems different from canon, and I'd love to see more of it :p And about this elusive younger brother - I can only imagine the shock it will be for Tsuna. Might be fun to watch :p
And of course I'd love to know more about what's going on in the original verse with baby Tsuna :p
Nice work!
Cheers :)
Espeon35 chapter 4 . 12/15/2016
It was so amusing of Tsuna panicking and Byakuran actually helping him. I really want to know of how Tsuna will survive in the parallel universe, having a sky ring of his own and needing to get the other sky ring from the parallel world. I also want to know what part the first Vongola boss do to protect the Vongola Decimo. I really want you to upload the next chapter!
ImploringIdeal chapter 4 . 12/4/2016
Interesting fic. I hope you update it soon!
DNA2337 chapter 4 . 11/12/2016
Hey it's been a year since u update this fanfic hope u update soon
Chai-Emlee chapter 4 . 10/28/2016
This is a very interesting concept and universe. I do wonder how things will play out from here on out. Good job in presenting this in such a pulling way. I can't help but want more.
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