Reviews for 12 Days of Gallavich Christmas
WheresMyWings chapter 8 . 1/26/2016
Without a doubt, the cutest, most adorablest, Santa!Ian fanfic ever! I'm laughing. I'm crying. I'm a Gallavichin' mess!
kat chapter 1 . 12/5/2015
that was so cute - really really lovely. they both felt in character - actually, everyone did. it was really well done and I really enjoyed it!
Gallovich3 chapter 12 . 3/4/2015
This is a generalalisation of the whole 12 stories.
Why didn't Mickey ever top Ian? I get that he prefers bottom, but it would have been more realistic to see a switch once or twice..
RosedAtlantis chapter 12 . 12/30/2014
I love you so much for wrote this ! I fucking love it ) Thank you
RosedAtlantis chapter 11 . 12/30/2014
Wonderful !
RosedAtlantis chapter 2 . 12/30/2014
I love it ! Sooooooooo much... )
Squiggle.giggle chapter 12 . 12/27/2014
So cute
saderia chapter 12 . 12/27/2014
Wonderful read all 12 chapters.
ferretlover13 chapter 10 . 12/24/2014
This chapter was so sweet. I like the idea of Ian helping Mickey out and the kiss was so cute. I really think there's nothing more romantic than nighttime ice skating with the one you love. I can't believe this is almost over!
ferretlover13 chapter 9 . 12/22/2014
Oh this was fabulous. Lol at Fiona, lots of sex has happened on that table/in that kitchen (including Fiona). They just love the thrill of someone walking in on them, don't they? And Debs at the end, I love Debbie.
ferretlover13 chapter 8 . 12/21/2014
Oh this was hilarious. So good. A Christmas series would not be complete without a Mommy/Daddy kissing Santa Clause story. This one did not disappoint. Yev continues to be adorable. I'm kind of curious what Yev's relationship with Liam would be, since he's just a few years older. I'd like the think that Liam would be another positive influence in Yev's life.
I loved his confusion about Mickey and Santa and his concern about where that left Ian. So is this a new tradition? Santa Ian making an appearance every year? That would be great.
ferretlover13 chapter 7 . 12/20/2014
I think I'm drawn to young Yevy because of his innocence, like you said he's Mickey 2.0 but without being corrupted by life in the way Mickey has (and hopefully he never will be).
Thanks for another amazing chapter!

Question: do you think Mickey would take Gallagher as a last name or would Ian take Milkovich? Just curious.
Personally I think Mickey would rather become a Gallagher. Yes, he's dedicated to his family but I don't think he's dedicated to the Milkovich name. I think Mickey would be ready to separate himself from the milkovich reputation and any reminder of his dad.
ferretlover13 chapter 6 . 12/19/2014
Short, simple and incredibly sweet. And featuring one of my favorite contemporary Christmas songs. Yev is definitely Mickey 2.0 or actually I think he will be everything that Mickey had the potential to be. Smart, sarcastic, passionate, snarky, blunt, fearless, loving and loved.

Side note: at the beginning of the chapter can you give us a reference of time? I was reading along and then when you said Yev was 12 I stopped because I was reading thinking Yev was still a baby/toddler. It would help me to set the scene in my head! Thank you! Keep up the amazingness.
ferretlover13 chapter 5 . 12/18/2014
I totally get nerd Mickey. I think Mickey is a lot smarter than he lets people think and his life is kinda shitty so I can see him escaping into a world of fantasy. I can see him as a closet bookworm. You always crack me up while reading your fics. I look forward to the new chapter every day. It will be kind of sad once Christmas is over. At least there's still Lovers in Collision!
Death's Cry chapter 5 . 12/18/2014
This is so fantastic ! I read the five chapters directly ! It's AWESOME ! I like that ! I hope you'll write more Gallavich fictions (obviously finishing this fiction about Christmas but also others stories, etc.). I like how you see the Gallavich couple. Not to rude but not to fluffly :)

Thanks for that ! Favorite Story ;)

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