Reviews for Reunion
the17thmuse chapter 1 . 5/30/2017
For a non-canon pairing they sound so in character. Love it. Seth sounds like the self-sacrificing reckless hero's very upset love interest, who berates them for "running off to get themselves killed to save the world without telling them leaving a note or something". I've seen a dozen or so variants, but I like this the most.
Mistress-of-eternal-Darkness chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
sooooo cute! I cannot help but gush. SIMPLY GUSHHHH.
I love the bittersweetness of it all! The little tang within all the fluff 3
I really want moreeee 3
/tries hard not to grin like a maniac during work
Nahida chapter 1 . 4/23/2015
Tu as lu mon histoire la moindre des choses est que je lise la tienne non? ;-). J'aime pas quand MON Atem est traité d'idiot mais il faut bien admettre qu'il aurait mieux fait d'écouter son prêtre avant de s'enfermer dans le puzzle sans étudier les autres possibilit4s. Et ç a se dit pharaon! XD. Allez je te laisse tranquille ( pour le moment) et reviendrais voir s'il n'y a pas autre chose à lire ( du Prideshipping tu as intérêt :-p lol.) Bon à bientôt ( je ne sais pas si mob anglais aurait voulu dire quelque chose donc j'ai écrit en français mais si ça te dérange dis le moi pour la prochaine fois )
June chapter 1 . 2/16/2015
Nice story!

Just a tiny nitpick - I don't think Atem would play the 'living God' card since in the manga he explicitly denies to Shada that he thinks of himself that way.

Anyway, Seth doesn't exactly play fair, does he? Not that I expected him to...
Try chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
Hey there! Just wanted to say that I liked the characterisation of Seth in this fic. You never see him voice his respect for Atem out loud in the manga, only on the stone tablet after his death, so his irate attitude here kind of fits.

I'd like to maybe see one of these two set in the past when they were both alive, maybe using magic on the battlefield together?

Anyhoo, nice work.
Renascentia ignis chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
I am not a fan of prideshipping/scandalshipping, but I enjoy the oneshot because you kept the character IC and the interactions are interesting. It's heartbreaking for Seth that Atem has to make sacrifice himself for the people and Atem has to put his people first before himself.
Grac3 chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
This was cool!
Sir Lofty chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
Hey, Sir Loft here. Well that was interesting. I was intrigued initially because I love Pride/Scandalshipping, but that was a little different than I was expecting. I love the way Seth treated him, though when I read about how Atem left Seth in the middle of the night and was already gone before he woke up, I teared up a little. Anyway, I thought it was a really unique approach to Scandalshipping. Keep up the good work.

Shits and Giggles. -Lofty

P.S. I would like to see where this goes, you should write a sequel.