Reviews for Durin's Blades
AmandaBaker852 chapter 1 . 5/12/2019
This is a much more satisfying ending then what the movie gave us. Thanks for posting.
tigersmeleth chapter 1 . 1/12/2019
That was a brilliant fix it.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/4/2017
Absolutely love your version of events. So much better than the movie.
(I only ended up watching /any/ of it because it was on television- caught the last half hour by accident in early 2017. My friends who had so much fun going all out for the other premieres never did a group gathering for the last, so I didn't bother going. No fun to go to the movies alone.)
1sunfun chapter 1 . 8/18/2016
Mewmir chapter 1 . 7/17/2016
My mistake: it wasn't a war-hammer Fili walked out with, and it was 8 (count 'em, EIGHT) 'knives' the elf guard took from him onscreen in total before locking the cell door. Sooo that makes at least 8 knives, 4 throwing axes, 2 swords. On his person. At All Times even while SLEEPING (or he would have lost them in Goblin Town instead of Mirkwood).

Gonna go giggle elsewhere now. Still loving this fic.
Mewmir chapter 1 . 3/26/2016
Win. Have you seen the special features clip where the actor says his character is 'a bit of hedgehog'? Awesome. Also, there's this screenshot from Mirkwood where Fili is looking up at the elf with a perfect expression of 'I am slightly disgruntled you are divesting me of my pointy objects.'

One official listing of his armaments include dual swords on his back, two throwing axes attached to EACH boot, and hunting blades on the outside of each forearm's vambrace; my reference article calls him “The One-Dwarf Walking Arsenal”. Yet not ONE of these is among the six or seven blades we SEE given over/taken from him in Mirkwood.

I always choke watching the part where just prior to tossing him in a cell, the elf pauses to remove a huge blade the length of Fili's thigh from inside said dwarf's coat, and Fili lets out this frustrated sound LIKE HE'D THOUGH HE WAS GOING TO GET AWAY WITH IT.

(I think he might be the reason none of the dwarves escaped the dungeons wearing more than pants, shirts, and boots. I don't recall a coat or belt-buckle among them. The near strip-search would have been a far more rewarding deleted scene than 'the Rivendell fountain' one.)

And maybe running out of room is the reason he's walking out of Erabor's armory with what looks like a war-hammer on his shoulder. Maxim 37: There is no "overkill." There is only "open fire" and "time to reload."

So, yeah. Not exactly a new personal headcanon: Fili collects blades like a dragon hoards gold. Thanks for this!
Tiny Teddy Bear chapter 1 . 2/9/2016
Yes. YES. I am officially crowning you canon, because you clearly know what you're about and know how to take care of the Durins properly.
Thank you, friend. :)
whilewewereyetsinners chapter 1 . 1/15/2016
Seriously, after going to such lengths to show how many blades Fili keeps on his person, having him be so easily disarmed was preposterous. As was the stupid v-neck chainmail they were wearing. Oh well. ;) Thanks for sharing this!
Aranna Undomiel chapter 1 . 9/14/2015
Lol. Now that would have been a much better ending. I think I’ll stay in this verse for a while from seeing BOFA on dvd yesterday :(
EluredandElurin chapter 1 . 7/27/2015
Heeeheee... I like this wonderful ending. Makes me think of Fíli as sort of like George Cooper from Tamora Pierce's writing, after which hilariety(ahhhhh, I can't spell) ensues
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29/2015
Yes, this is the way it should have happened!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/14/2015
Love it! With the amount of blades Fili Carrie, it would be a bit like armor. Awesome!
Loves to read books chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
Nice ;)
K1tt1 chapter 1 . 2/28/2015
Bless you for writing this! This is now officially what happened. I refuse to believe that canon monstrosity. (I liked the movie, don't get me wrong, but I was SO MAD that Fili was just forgotten, cast aside, like they couldn't figure out a good way for him to go, and just rushed it. It was terrible. I cried like a little baby. I'm not ashamed.)
On another note, you nailed the characters, and I liked how you started with a flashback. Well done!
anonymous reader chapter 1 . 1/31/2015
So much better than the movie! Like this a lot!
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