Reviews for Run
Ellethiriel chapter 1 . 1/21/2017
Oh. /OH/.

I can't. I can't deal with this. Fíli is so achingly vulnerable and terrified and noble and asdhjklfghhkl I have tears pricking at my eyes and I've read this twice and ugh, your writing is so vivid and amazing and the way you wrote *that moment* is so horrendously brutal and heartrending and just UGGGGHHHH.

I think this is my new headcanon.
TolkienGirl chapter 1 . 3/6/2016
Always I read this story and cry again-stiffen with agony and the the great tragedy of this innocent life snuffed out. It is unspeakable, and what you have never, ever ceases to amaze me.
FireMoon42 chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
Wow...this is an amazing take on Fili's final moments. Despite his panic and desperation, he still tries to think about Kili's safety. His mind is far from clear, but somehow he still manages to cling to the thought of his family. It's probably comforting for him (well, as comforted as he can be considering the circumstances) that his last thought is that Kili is safe, that Kili won't have to see him die; but it's also heartbreaking knowing that Fili's actually wrong and that Kili has his brother's body dropped at his feet.
Very well written!
- FireMoon42
Land of Parchment and Ink chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
Wow. Just... wow. This honestly made me tearful, what with this story depicting Fili's final moments. After reading this, the plot wormed its way to both my heart and brain that this, THIS must have happened in canon. Because there's no way in hell that our beloved golden Lion got captured without putting up a fight.

Wonderfully written story, you perfectly captured and portrayed Fili's character. Thank you for writing this story, it somehow lessened the pain I've felt after witnessing Fili's death.
hollyhobbit101 chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
You completely took my breath away with that story. Incredible. Beautiful.
UnofficialBrideOfPeregrinTook chapter 1 . 1/29/2015
FILI! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?! Oh Mahal the FEELS! FEEEEEEEELS! They burn us precious!
But seriously. There was so much emotion in this, and I kinda want to curl up in a corner with Nutella and fluffy awful bubblegum pop music and rock back and forth in the fetal position sucking my thumb...
I'm not easily put into this state. Seeing the movie put me there (I was whimpering through most of it AND I cried!) and now this poignant story has, too. Very very very sad, but so well done! :)
FiliBalrogSlayer chapter 1 . 1/22/2015
I AM DEAD! *falls over and dies dramatically* (But that's fine...I get be with MY FILI!) Umm...yes got a little carried away there... :)
Oh my goodness, how do I even describe this work of art?! Your writing is just so beautiful. It cuts my heart in half, and by the end of this fic, I was in tears. You just write so well! Poor Fili. He's so selfless and sweet and brave.
Astaldowen chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
OH MY GOD! I am about to BAWL. My feels are in an absolute wreck - ASDFGHJKL.
Now I'm going to go read the book-verse version, because I was hoping beyond all hope that Kili would die in defense of Thorin or Fili and not of Tauriel...dreams crushed. But OH MY HEART HURTS. So bad. So, so, incredibly ba-RHAICH THERE I GO. And all Fili wanted was for Kili not to know...*SOBS HYSTERICALLY*
Excuse me while I go and eat all of the chocolate in the entirety of the United States of America as a pathetic attempt to repair my absolutely demolished feels. WELL DONE!
chestry007 chapter 1 . 12/25/2014


I am crying.

THIS IS PERFECT. If I'm forced to endure Jackson's version of Fili's death, then this is now my headcanon for it.

Also, I really wish you'd give us a Thorin POV for Fili's death. I'm sick of having to tell me "NO THORIN LOVES FILI AS MUCH AS HE DOES FILI. LOOK AT HIS FACE WHEN FILI DIES."
LRoseC chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
Thank you, I really needed this. *Sighs*
Neocolai chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
WOW. 8O Beautifully done. I like how Fili had the chance to fight, even if Azog still killed him in the end. Ack. You're trying to ruin me, here. You did a splendid job with Fili's thoughts. I'm going to ... go ... oh, phooey, I'll sleep on it and cry a bit, and then I'll go hunt down Azog. 8'(
beth-is-rainpaint chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
I saw the movie yesterday and then stayed up until too late reading Hobbit fan fiction to try to make myself . . . I don't know if "feel better" is the right way to phrase it, but I wanted closure, I guess, and I also wanted the story to continue somehow, and this is one of the best-written stories I found. Thinking about the movie afterward, I felt like Fili's death was sort of glazed over because he wasn't as important as Thorin and didn't have a love interest like Kili did, and I'm glad to have found a story that both gives his death the attention it deserved and fleshes out his character even more.
Nalbal chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
Well, damn.

I thought Fili's death couldn't hurt any worse... But I was wrong.

I thought I'd see what your amazing writing did with this scene. And I was not disappointed.

Flawless and painful. I hate you! Thanks. ;)
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
Very moving. At least Fili's death was quick.
MoonlightRurouni chapter 1 . 12/20/2014
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