Reviews for Lucky No 8
enight15 chapter 3 . 6/23/2018
I love the story I hope you consider finishing it
Guest chapter 3 . 10/5/2016
I know it's been forever but do ya think you could write the next chapter the story is so good and I'd hate to see it just end there
gagawest chapter 2 . 2/2/2015
An amazing Kibaxnaruto story. I normally don't like when they are in the real world but this is amazing!
psychorainbow4455 chapter 3 . 1/19/2015
omg sakura at the end lol
Raven Halley chapter 3 . 12/23/2014
Hahahaha. I love the sister and brother bond that Naruto has with sakura. Kiba/Naruto love the pairing.
BlindSeer0 chapter 3 . 12/23/2014
Yes, because the first thing you say to a stranger is to call them a whore. I mean, it's nice to see your mixed it up with Temari instead of Ino, but other responses include I'm here with a friend," "I'm not interested," or go right to the point with "I'm gay." Is it creepy That she's already feeling him up? A little, especially when his body language was saying no And if you're using it to define Naruto's personality, that's fine, just make sure to do something to make it clear that his point of view, not the authors. Have him regret being so harsh or have Kiba call him on it, or even have the exchange be longer with her refusing to leave after he keeps saying no. Everytime I see this in fics, none of these things tend to happen, And it's a quick way to knock me out of the fic.

Otherwise the chapter was good, and Im enjoying the fic.
lagseeing1123 chapter 2 . 12/22/2014
You are really good at writing those dreams, just like the one in WTMW. Changing POVs, watching your child self and becoming your child self. I love it when you write things like that.
lagseeing1123 chapter 1 . 12/20/2014
Why did I think the best friend was Sasuke?

So yes, finally a Naruto fic with my two fav characters. Kiba is so cool the ways he speaks like that. And hot. It's like fire and ice colliding. Looking forward to this.