Reviews for Worth Waiting For
IceonFire7 chapter 1 . 1/16/2015
I cannot believe I never reviewed this. I so hope I told you personally that I loved it, cause I really did.

I love the set-up with Duncan to get these two to finally start talking. And I appreciate that Charlie left him there to get himself together. But her parting line was great...and I loved his response "You love me?"

The sex was really hot...and, okay, there is some deeply buried young romantic part of me that thinks it's kind of sweet that Charlie waited for Bass to be her first ;) A different twist on their relationship, but I liked it.

Really well done as always.
ToTheSkyAndBack chapter 1 . 1/5/2015
Yes, it was fun for me :-) As you can see I'm far behind on my reading but this was really good. You are the queen of smut...and please, take that fully as the compliment it was meant as.
MDRevolutionFan chapter 1 . 12/24/2014
Loved this, as I do all your stories! :D
lostinmysticfalls chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
Your writing always makes me laugh in the best possible way. The dialogue and narrative are always A. I thought it was gonna get all sorts of kinky when he was tied up and trust me, I was ready for it, but you surprised me. I love that you chose to make Bass Charlie's first. And JFC that was the hottest thing. Loved it!
saderia chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
Wow that was funny and sexy. Great chapter.
driver picks the music chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
I loved this, so very very much! Thank you for sharing it!
TexasRevoFan chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
Ohhh my goodness, new fic (that autocorrected to "fix," which, also accurate) from Lemons! Yay yay! I love this, love how you've written Duncan in (she's always hilarious in fan fiction isn't she?) and how Charlie and Bass miscommunicated at the bar. And I love him being her first time, one of the most fun things about writing AU is that it's possible. :) And Miles getting them to finally admit their feelings for each other was great. Ha ha at Bass showing up with a black eye… making him all the sexier! So fun to see a new post from you, with a holiday theme no less. Thanks for sharing!
banneg chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
I also enjoy your AU one shots, having said that this one is definitely a particular favorite. Spending New Year's Day instead of 'rushing in' when they finally admitted it the night before was an excellent idea. And I think it is great that Charlie had waited for him and that he was so considerate of her fears. Wonderfully done.
RomanceFantic chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
Loved it, as always :)
redbanker chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
Fun, sweet and cute. Have a merry christmas.
Loveforthestory chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
I loved the start, it is so very Bass! And so much fun to see Frank again, you write him so well!
"Nah Sweetie." Frank says with a smirk. "You keep your boob money. This one is on me." Boob money, oh my :) And Bass' mouth falling open, I can so picture that at the sight of Charlie :) And I really like the start is in a bar and he watches over her to keep her safe...well, of course that's not all the reason behind that.
And Duncan and Bass shake hands once more,:)
"Don't know." He says, breathing into her hair. "You?" Its like he is suggesting he will do her. ;-) And then the energy when they start to dance, wow! Blush! And then I just feel her hurt when he walks out with Duncan, leaving her alone. Another wonderful reference to that episode in Vegas! Loved what Duncan did with all those post its and unwrapping him...I laughed at the image of him with that cute little towel, LOL!
In her fist is the biggest fucking kitchen knife he owns. Oh my god, I love all those details, haha...Bass is scaaaared ;-) If tonight is any indicator, he has no idea what women are thinking anymore. great line, poor Bass :)
I loved the little moment between her and Miles on the phone, so sweet! But I already had a feeling what could have happened there when Miles talked. And you know me, I love Bass' leather jacket so I am happy he is wearing it when Charlie opens the door. HELLO! I loved the names of Charlie's old dates... all the guys Bass has seen her with during the episodes! I loved you went for this angle, that this was new to Charlie. She felt a little bit shy about it, and I loved the way he reacted. I love that fresh angle! And then...goodness!

I am sorry about this endless review, I had some time and well, really liked this story, the humor, the non AU references that were found everywhere. Well done! Loved it! Thank you for writing!

Love from Love

PS: I love When Harry met Sally, one of my favorite movies!
ShyRomantic chapter 1 . 12/20/2014
That was adorable. Always love a good AU :)
ThreeMagpies chapter 1 . 12/20/2014
Hi Lemon! :D ... you really are Supreme! Super sexy, beautifully sweet and extremely funny all at the same time.. (loved how Duncan helped out...). A really wonderful New Years story - actually a great anytime story...

Thank you for making the day brighter :)