Reviews for Ellipsis
PyreflyPrincess chapter 10 . 5/6
Absolutely loving the story, binged read it all over the last night ended up until 3.30am! Can’t wait for you to continue, your writing and the story are beautiful ️
Guest chapter 10 . 3/30
This. Was. Breathtaking. It was so beautiful, the style of writing, the way the characters act, the way you describe everything, all combined into ten chapters has me bawling. This fanfiction alone made my month. I can’t get over it. Please update soon.
Guest chapter 10 . 3/30
Please please please please update I NEED to know what will happen because I hope that Yuna will not marry Baralai :( I don’t like him at all and I only want Tidus and Yuna to get together this is the best ffx story I ever saw thank you for writing it.
Guest chapter 10 . 3/30
Guest chapter 10 . 3/30
This is amazing, best TidusxYuna fanfic I’ve ever read. Please update soon
Reactor-3 chapter 10 . 3/18
Okay! I can finally review now! :D

This story is making my heart break for Tidus and I love it...

This work is just simple amazing. It’s made me fall in love again with the FFX characters. It’s absolutely great and the fact that Tidus may or may not get rejected is killing me! I know that you won’t hesitate to tear him to pieces(I love that as well) and I can’t wait to see what Yuna will say!

In case you couldn’t tell, I really love sad, heartbreaking stories, lol.

Thank you for taking the time to give us all these chapters so far!
Guest chapter 10 . 3/11
Oh my goodness. I LOVE THIS STORY. It’s the best EVERRRR
AmazingRuin chapter 10 . 2/16
Girl, I’m dead. This chapter had me on the edge of my seat and I am going to be pining for this next chapter probably more than any others in any story. Please don’t make us wait too long! This is wonderful and so exciting and heart wrenching and I just can’t wait to see what happens next. Amazing, amazing.
charlatain chapter 10 . 2/5
Bring it home, Ti.

Amazing chapter as always, thank you for gracing us with this story
Cris chapter 10 . 1/2
What a lovely day. I think to myself, maybe Ellipsis updated over the holidays? And come by to check only to find this surprise! Excellent chapter as always.

Also, go Tidus! Rooting for you my sad boy.
Cris chapter 9 . 9/16/2019
Thank you for another beautiful (but very sad) chapter. Until next time
charlatain chapter 9 . 7/10/2019
This was an extremely powerful chapter. I could feel your characters' greif so clearly. Your writing is legendary. Can't wait until the moment they both realize they need each other. Until then.
AmazingRuin chapter 9 . 7/9/2019
*SPOILERS* I originally planned to give you all the reasons why I loved this chapter(and of course, there are many) but with the beginning leaving me with melancholy, I’ve decided that I’ll instead give you my instant reactions as I read.

1. The moment Tidus walked into the door and no one answered, I knew what was going on. Not because your story is predictable, but because I know you aren’t afraid to rip him to shreds. Knowing did absolutely nothing for the devastation I felt. Poor Tidus. I am so heartbroken for him.
2. The first detail I noticed was the fact that you described everything surrounding the scene before the emotional climax of it. That was absolutely brilliant and so realistic to the way someone would actually react in a moment like that. It also added to the terrible sickly feeling that it gave me.
3. I love Rikku, and you write her perfectly. Can’t really say much beyond that.
4. Every time Yuna falls into a reverie regarding Tidus, I get that fluttery, excited feeling in my belly because I’m SO SURE this will be the moment she makes realizations. Then I’m only mildly disappointed because you’re going to give us a slow burn.
5. “Rikku only knows hot and cold. I wonder if being from Bikanel has anything to do with it, like somewhere along the line she confused extreme weather for normal human behavior.” ABSOLUTE. GOLD.
6. Um, I thought I was just here for Tidus and Yuna but you’re giving me so many great Gippal and Rikku moments that I never knew I needed. Love this!
7. I’m not okay with Yuna being sad over Tidus being flirty with other women but I also love it at the same time. How do you do that?
8. I wish I could respond with gifs and memes so I could show you my physical reaction to Yuna speaking to Linnea and then to when Tidus approaches her alone.
9. “His gaze returns to mine and though I look away I feel its weight all over me.” -I’m trying really hard to look like someone who has their emotions intact and can describe them, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t groan and whine out loud at this line.
10. ‘ “Can I show you something?" Tidus asks. I give him a wordless okay.’ Just when I think one sentence or paragraph will send me into cardiac arrest, I move on to another.
11. ‘ “Yuna," Tidus says slowly through each vowel. "You never let me apologize to you for what happened." ‘ and another.
12. “I am eighteen on a hot paved driveway and Tidus tells me to forget the things he doesn't mean.” I’m dramatic but I feel like this just broke my heart.
13. ‘ “I know," I say to him, wiping back at my tears and feigning composure. "You were sad and I was there.” Before Tidus can react the sound of approaching footsteps echoes through the darkness.’ If I were replying with a meme or gif, I would place Rage Guy (FUUUU) right here. I’ve officially given up on being articulate.
14. “And then I cry.” Me too.

This must be “Why Is Tidus A Sad Boy?”. I thought I knew how difficult it would be to find out but I Did Not. I don’t really know what else to say. This is incredible and beautifully written but so, so heartbreaking. Thank you for this.
MisaHoshi chapter 9 . 7/8/2019
This update is the highlight of my July. Love reading your work and I think you revealed some really raw feelings about guilt and the complicated process of grief. Thank you for your surprise update and I hope to read more from you soon.
Shadowfox452 chapter 9 . 7/8/2019
Oh, wow, I've missed quite a lot, haven't I? I can't believe I didn't see that you'd updated before now. For some reason I never got any notification even though I was subscribed. Just stumbled over this now when I was looking for new fics. Thank luck! And, holy hells, these past few chapters? Completely taken my breath away. Your writing is, as always, stunning. Completely, utterly STUNNING. Honestly, I can't get enough of this. I'm so hooked, it's ridiculous.

Thank you so, so much for sharing. Really, really looking forward to seeing what happens next. I'll be sure to check it regularly! ;) 3
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