Reviews for Waxing, Waning
Guest chapter 1 . 7/5/2015
Great story! You managed to grasp the feel of medieval language at the time too! Thanks gor the story!
Kris Senju chapter 1 . 6/25/2015
This was amazing and i loved it.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/28/2015
I watched the entire scene as my mind portrayed the images you described so beautifully. Honestly, it is far from good. It is great! You did well. So so very well dear author.
JoPoGirlsKickAss chapter 1 . 1/6/2015
TheRedSin chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
One of the best Hitsukarin AUs I've had in a while. How you wrote it really matched the theme. They're so in character and that's what I love in this story. It's amazing.
Metherlance chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Wow that was... wow! I am speachless and your are right, because I have never seen an AU like this either. Sure I have seen different kind of medival AU before, but nok like this. Because this story is amazing and I am so happy you decidede to share this. Knowing that you put your heart into this makes this story even better and it's even more enjoyable to read it. Also because you can most time see it when an author doesn't make and effort, and that so sad when a story could have been better because of that. That why I wish there were more author like you, who actually enjoy making and effort. That's one of the reasons that makes this story so different and so great.

I liked that you didn't try to split it up or making the story shorter, because length fit, in my opinion. Also liked when they spoke, they didn't speak the modern language, but the language they spoke of in whatever time frame you put them in.

There were som few grammar mistakes, but you can overlook that because the characters were in tact and you deliveret an amazing story.

I hope to see more you in the future. And again an amazing story ;D
Girlalicious chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
Otp this is so cute
MikeRyder16 chapter 1 . 12/24/2014
*O*... cool. i love you history! ;)
pherion chapter 1 . 12/24/2014
this was my end thank you very much
(i swear this was one of the best things i've ever read)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
Love it so so much
i really like the plot and u have great skill at writing
thanks for update this story,hope u can update another HitsuKarin ff
awww really its one of the best hitsukarin ff i ever read so far,keep giong ne!
