Reviews for The Little Things
multi.writes chapter 1 . 6/1
wow this story was something else :D I loved it. The fact I have been addicted to it and depressed at the start of it shows it all that I got the idea that this story is entirely a beautiful one :D
sambayar chapter 7 . 8/18/2017
aww.. beautiful till the end..:)
kickinfan321 chapter 7 . 8/23/2015
That was a beautiful story which kept me on the edge of my seat and I couldn't stop reading. I really did not expect all of that to be a dream-it was all definitely a surprise and I love how it all added up and made sense as to why she was imagining those times like that. Honestly, I don't know how to describe this incredible story... I am speechless!
Someone chapter 7 . 12/30/2014
Aghh, half way through the last chapter I was like nooo I don't want it to end like this! But the ending was perfect as always ;)
fantasia-49 chapter 7 . 12/28/2014
Whoa it was awesome. TIll the end i believe that her mother was dead. But you turn it to be a dream. Really marvelous. YOu make me cry along.

I wish you merry christmas and happy new year.
PercyJacksonLover14 chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
IM SO GLAD I WAITED UNTIL THIS STORY WAS COMPLETE! I can take my bloody time to read this without the frustration of your incredible (yet frustrating) cliffhangers! WHOOOO!
Firework471 chapter 7 . 12/26/2014
Aww pero qué lindo!
Casi muero cuando creí que en serio todo había sido un sueño, o sea, no Pepperony, pero aww, me gustó.
Felices fiestas para ti también, espero hayas tenido una gran navidad! :)
Mis mejores deseos, nos espera un gran año!
Firework471 chapter 6 . 12/26/2014
Awww soooo cute!
Firework471 chapter 5 . 12/26/2014
Ahhhhhh 3
Firework471 chapter 2 . 12/26/2014
Oh demonios! We want that kiss!
Firework471 chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
Nooo way!
Kiss her! C'mon
Pero aww muy lindo y a la vez triste, ah debo seguir leyendo.
jojo32085 chapter 7 . 12/26/2014
LOVED it. Another story soon please
Guest chapter 7 . 12/26/2014
You know what you made me then it was a DREAM! But at last Tony and Pepper are together and not just in dream thankfully. Enjoy your holidays!
SilverPedals1402 chapter 7 . 12/25/2014
So, wait, the whole thing with her mother was just a dream!? You had me believing that that was all real! :( That was a mean, yet incredibly kind thing of you to do! But in the end I'm VERY happy that only parts of it were sad and fake and the rest were amazing. Sorry if I'm not making any sense... Anyways, happy holidays and thank you for the amazing story! :D
Elinorwrites chapter 7 . 12/25/2014
Yo juro que amé, amé esto con toda el alma!
Una excelente -y hasta triste en cierto punto- historia.
Aún no entiendo como haces para que llore en un segundo y al siguiente esté con una cara de tonta sonriente y enamorada de su ship.
Happy Holidays! Espero que la pases genial y comas mucho ;)
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