Reviews for A Deal Made in Good Faith
long.star14 chapter 42 . 7/23
More, please this is so awesome
thejester1259 chapter 3 . 7/13
I love your books! Even if i've read them before they always make me laugh my ass off.
Shamus12678 chapter 42 . 6/19
please update soon
LONE RANGER 97 chapter 5 . 6/14
the way she talks about the fake really just ticks me off not because the fake is a boy but because It reminds me of how people in my elementary school (May Roberts Elementary) used to make me and other autistic kids feel about ourselves) But other than that I still like the story.
Moleluv chapter 18 . 6/14
I find what you said about Dumbledore’s fate hilarious... the hellhounds didn’t exactly worsen the condition, they straight up tore him apart! Also, I just find it really funny the way you wrote it - as though being torn apart by hellhounds was a minor inconvenience. Lol.
LONE RANGER 97 chapter 4 . 6/14
I swear I don't know if I want to like her or drop kick her for what she said about men Because on 1 side it's entertaining to see her get under people's skin and on the other I hate it when women insult us by Stereotyping us (And yes I would seriously dropkick a woman because hey if they want gender equality then they have to remember that benefits and rewards don't come without their respective responsibility)
LONE RANGER 97 chapter 2 . 6/11
I'm liking the story the only thing that I'm worried about though is Ron bash I'm okay with a little bit of it but only if it's done right Dumbledore bashing on the other hand is something I've learned to get used to but A lot of writers I swear it's like they love to Ignore all of the Ron's good qualities And just love to point out his faults and then exaggerate them.
madelynbaker10 chapter 18 . 6/3
We do not need to add a quarantine in a fanfic
Krxso chapter 36 . 5/25
Was sure Helen would end up in a threesome with the Winchesters xP
karanterus chapter 18 . 2/7
I otamaticly sang that song in let it go style without knowing that it acsholy was the let 'em burn version of let it go XD XD
BROCKLESNER chapter 18 . 11/22/2019
I just watched it. The "Let It Go" parody, Called "Let 'Em Burn" was GOOD but it was expecting there to be more Differences between that and "let it go"!
ilanit.harary chapter 42 . 10/25/2019
love it! just read it from start to end and it's GOLD! please update!
deathwearsblack chapter 41 . 8/27/2019
please update .
shalimare chapter 42 . 8/24/2019
Oh my god! i love your fanfiction! i love all your fanfictions!
i can not wait to

xoxo Shalimare :)
Lady Midnight07 chapter 35 . 8/3/2019
To your comment above - WHAT IDIOT DID NOT HEAR ABOUT HAREM? OR read harem stories HERE?
One girl and two boys, or one boy and two girls is Nothing compared to that. So ignore the conservative bitches and keep on writing.
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