Reviews for Logical
Yuki Mirai chapter 2 . 5/6/2015
Awesome ! I LOVE your story !
I want to know more about the past of Kuroko and the GoM, because it's really interesting and thrilling ! I cannot wait to see their encounter !
I hope you'll write the suite soon !
Shadow Carnival chapter 2 . 1/25/2015
I love this, please keep updating!
StarlightBlue101 chapter 2 . 1/17/2015
My theory is this: Kuroko is in Shiki and the rest of the GoM are in Seiki (who are the good guys). GoM will infiltrate Shiki to rescue Kuroko who will then work with them but will have memory loss or because of trauma won't be able to remember them. These are my thoughts so far. Ah also sorry if I mixed up Seiki and Shiki (it's hard to remember which is which since they're names are similar). Awesome plot! I love it! Please continue the story and don't give up! It's awesome! But it was kind of hard to find... I'm so glad I found it in the end! Great work! I'll be patiently waiting for the next chapter XD
The Patchwork Rabbit chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
God! I love this! XD I only wish you would continue with this. it is amazing.
Reality Slap chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
Woah. I really enjoyed the first chapter -or should I call it a prologue (?). Anyway, it was really well written, and -OMG- it was so intriguing! Please continue this fic! Will ya? Pleeeeaaaase?!